Example sentences of "with [pos pn] [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That has a lot to do with my state of mind at the time .
2 What she wo n't want to hear is that I am cured of the madness which kept me from sleeping at night and the imagination which played havoc with my peace of mind during the day .
3 Mrs Marcos — improbably described by her lawyer as ‘ a small , fragile woman ’ — is accused of fraud in connection with her purchases of property in New York .
4 How has a Montpellier fishwife so mastered the art of composition that with her basket of fish for the bouillabaisse she is presenting a picture of such splendour that instead of going to look at the famous collection of paintings in the Musée Fabre you drive off as fast as possible to the coast to order a dish cooked with just such fish ?
5 Theoretically , Karla Fohrbeck could in her official capacity prevent any purchases she disapproved of , but such a veto would not only be in breach of artistic freedom but would also conflict with her idea of autonomy for the museums in her charge .
6 and with her kind of background in , in writing up training package , packages and things
7 She likes advice with her kind of spin on it and brisk meetings with those most closely involved .
8 Whatever their relations had been in life , this was no sacred invitation , since it coincided with her loss of faith in the consolations of religion .
9 The old lady , clad in a woolly mutch , sat head bowed , with her cup of tea in her hand .
10 Kenamun 's deadline came and went , but Taheb , with her ease of access to information , heard nothing to suggest that the Medjay captain had been either dismissed or taken off the case .
11 In the late afternoon Angel Clare offered to drive the waggon with its buckets of milk to the station .
12 More opulent was the holo-sign with its fantasy of opal on quartz ; baroque music stroked arpeggios on the air .
13 The Treasury , with its provision of guidance to departments on the development and application of output measures and performance indicators .
14 Possibly the West Saxon monarchy 's links with the new monasticism had something to do with its lack of popularity in northern Mercia and Northumbria .
15 This implied a division of labour between manufacturing in the UK , and raw material and food production in the colonies , a doctrine which the Colonial Office broadly accepted , in line with its lack of sympathy with colonial industrialization as likely to be socially and politically disruptive .
16 The organization of presbyterianism rests strongly upon the local community , with its division of authority between minister and elders .
17 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
18 Middlebrook said that the campaign amounted to a direct and therefore unlawful interference with its contracts of supply with supermarkets , but the Court of Appeal seems to have thought that this was overridden by the right of freedom of speech .
19 Science does not deal with its objects of study in their full concreteness .
20 Japan on March 13 provided the Gulf Peace Fund with $8,600 million in accordance with its pledge of aid to the United States-led coalition in the Gulf war .
21 Because of the way in which it began , Christianity inherited the peculiar Jewish view of time with its hope of redemption from successive oppressors .
22 He specialises in songs of self-pity and gloom , with stories of betrayal or parting enlivened a little by an autobiographical track like Mobile Shack , with its story of escape from Birmingham thanks to the arrival of New Wave .
23 Do East Europeans want their capitals to resemble New York , with its skyscrapers of wealth alongside slum ghettos ?
24 With its range of awards including the new Assessors Award , the Wordpower and Numberpower certificates in communication and numeracy skills and the Vocational Access Certificate , LCCIEB has certainly taken up the challenge to provide wider access to qualifications .
25 The large brick blast furnace was built with its tiers of arches at the beginning of the nineteenth century , and was producing iron for about a century and a half .
26 Iago can take a stand with every appearance of confidence : Yet from that firm-sounding position he lapses into uncertainty — ‘ I speak not yet of proof ’ ( ironically true ! ) — but an uncertainty that suggests far more than it states , with its rash of words for perception and deception ( ‘ look ’ , ‘ observe ’ , ‘ wear your eye thus ’ , ‘ not … secure ’ , ‘ abused ’ , ‘ look ’ , ‘ know ’ , ‘ see … pranks ’ , ‘ show ’ , ‘ conscience ’ , ‘ keep't unknown ’ ) .
27 The acceptance of the R.A.F. mission , with its hardship of travel to distant and nasty places and audiences of anything but the kind he was humanly fitted to deal with , lonely , cheerless , embarrassed journeys leaving little behind but doubt whether any seed had fallen on good soil ; ali this was in its way an imitation of St. Paul .
28 And indeed , thus dignified and labelled , these diverse and ordinary objects had assumed an almost ritualistic significance ; the shoes , one with its wedge of mud behind the heel , the stained beaker , the blotter with its criss-cross of dead marks made by dead hands , the diary , the remains of Harry Mack 's last meal , the closed razor case and , occupying the centre of the table , the prize exhibit , the open cut-throat razor , its blade and bone handle gummy with blood .
29 I tried to explain to people the real meaning of Dominion status with its opportunity of self-government within a wider membership which would always come to its support .
30 The new manifesto , with its lists of promises for a better urban environment and less-congested transport system , enjoyed a good reception — including a laudatory front-page endorsement from London 's only daily newspaper , the strongly anti-Labour Evening Standard .
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