Example sentences of "with [pos pn] [noun] [conj] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 With her finger and thumb she plucked a quarter of the sandwich from his plate and threw it to the nearest dog .
2 After opening nights at Blackpool , she would snub John ; when he waited for her at the front entrance with their car and chauffeur she would deliberately slip out of the Stage Door and go home by tram .
3 With his experience and enthusiasm he was an instant hit and is now close to climbing aboard for the European Championship finals this summer .
4 With his wife and daughter he took a small cottage in the Market Square , ( adjacent to the Red Lion and opposite the White Lion ) , and there seven more children were born , though not all of them grew to maturity .
5 The pressure wo n't bother him because he 's not a nervous type , and with his pace and aggression he 'd trouble the best batsman in the world .
6 With his nickname and reputation he remained a Dublin legend after his death .
7 With his poker and torch he sought out the noise .
8 With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting .
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