Example sentences of "with [det] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only salt in this survey that uses a two part formula with some trace elements in a separate bottle .
2 I 'm going to leave you with some rhythm combinations of the 8th note triplet and 16th note triplet subdivisions .
3 There are also about 180 properties in the flood plain in Buckinghamshire , and others in Berkshire with either floor levels above the flood level or even on dry land islands that would be completely surrounded by flood water .
4 It is the responsibility of all passengers to ensure that they comply with all immigration requirements for the country(ies) to be visited .
5 Data in the Table show that the scan score correlated significantly with all laboratory measurements except the erythrocyte sedimentation rate .
6 As with all farm workers during the last century , Dad 's family were used to poverty — never any sweets or treats and barely enough money to exist .
7 A fine brochure with an excellent description of the collection , lavishly illustrated with many colour photographs of the the models on display with text , has been produced and is an excellent publication since it is clear , concise and easy to follow .
8 Opposition to the film was , however , building up more generally , with many column inches in the national press devoted to the story , and to indignant letters from outraged readers .
9 For the next two or three years the directions , possibilities and practicalities continued to be discussed , with those polytechnic directors on the Council and its committees having a particularly difficult part to play in formulating policy .
10 But perhaps he had been to a Harley Street specialist — it was easier to imagine the long holiday being recommended behind thick net curtains in one of those tall houses with several brass plates on the door .
11 After serving an apprenticeship with Kitson , Thomson & Hewitson , locomotive engineers in Leeds , he turned to marine engineering and from 1864 to 1869 gained experience with several shipbuilding firms on the Thames .
12 The hard copy formatter may be required to format modules associated with several charge codes at the same time .
13 BOGOTA ( Reuter ) — The Catholic bishop of the Colombian town of Arauca has been found murdered with several bullet wounds in the head .
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