Example sentences of "with [det] [noun] of [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With that backdrop of hair the small round shoulders gained in defencelessness and pallor — but come on , the Isles was no place for local contrasts .
2 But faced with that kind of opposition the Yek would simply re-form and attack again , learning from each engagement until either they discovered how to defeat their adversaries or they were wiped out .
3 With this type of wave the swash , or rush of water up the beach from the breaking wave , is weak as the water plunges directly on to the beach .
4 With this type of scan the room reservations for every room for any given day can be brought into view .
5 With this easy-availability of text the size of corpora becoming available are orders of magnitude larger than those originally envisioned .
6 Obviously with this sort of music the ideas are n't going to be : ‘ Yes , my girlfriend is a nurse and I would like a job in the pit ’ .
7 With this definition of deindustrialization a range of indicators can be used to assess whether or not the UK economy is deindustrializing .
8 Thirdly , with this method of composition the lack of a fixed light source , the arbitrary juxtaposition of light and dark , becomes a consistent and , indeed , a salient feature of the style .
9 On the other hand , a critic who represents object texts in a mode akin to free indirect speech operates under an obligation to represent with some degree of fidelity the texts that he or she purports to ventriloquise .
10 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
11 Such developments keep Johnson and Boswell at a further remove , although on the wall of the castle hangs a framed letter in which Johnson , with his attractive spidery writing , gives thanks to his host : ‘ The kind treatment which I have found wherever I go makes me leave with some heaviness of heart an island I am not likely to see again …
12 With some types of account a depositor can withdraw a certain amount of money on demand , but will have to pay a penalty of so many days ' interest .
13 If this was done , the reformers argued , it would give the sections of the public concerned with these areas of policy a chance to react , and it would once again be worth the pressure groups ' while to explain their points to the Commons before the precise details of forthcoming legislation were settled .
14 However , a tail-wheel is more convenient for ground handling , particularly as with these types of glider the tail is extremely heavy and awkward to lift when the glider needs turning around on the ground .
15 With most kinds of cardboard the greatest practicable size of frame is about 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm .
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