Example sentences of "with [art] [noun pl] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fish , too , can sometimes find themselves with the eggs of another species , as in the case of perch and minnows ( see BBC WILDLIFE , December , p824 ) .
2 However , accidents do happen to school-age children in the course of play , and consistent with the activities of this age group , they suffer fewer accidents in the home ( compared with pre-school age children ) but more accidents outdoors and in the school playground .
3 Unconcerned with the affairs of such people , the author does not attempt to do more than define their essentially subordinate role : they should not ‘ presume aboue ther own degre , nor conterfete the state of his Better , nor excede in their apparell or diet ’ .
4 A second approach is to argue that the Christian faith is something intensely personal , concerned with individual spirituality and not something which has a social dimension concerned with the affairs of this world .
5 Its structures , moreover , are irregular , supposedly answering to the needs of those within , not dictated from without by the demands of symmetry ; their emphasis is vertical , aspiring heavenwards ( as the Victorians frequently remarked ) , where that of the classical house is horizontal , connecting with the values of this earth .
6 Obviously this will vary with the circumstances of each case and the experience of the prescriber .
7 Something like a third of the increase has been taken up in higher prices , with the prices of some capital goods , such as houses , actually doubling .
8 It was held that there was an appropriation by the assistant because she had no authority to deal with the goods in this way .
9 Subject to that , money with a recognised or designated exchange or clearing house will be dealt with in accordance with the rules of that exchange or clearing house .
10 All we 've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope .
11 It seems indisputable that there are a tiny minority of pupils whose behaviour is so disturbing that mainstream schools are unable to cope , in the present circumstances , with the manifestations of this behaviour .
12 If the issuer is not incorporated in any of the member states where the securities are to be listed , the issuer must decide which of those member states is to have responsibility for approving the listing particulars ; it must then draw up the listing particulars in accordance with the laws of that member state .
13 To name the top line , simply letter all the corners of the hexagon , ( any letters will do ) , and name the line with the letters at each end of it .
14 You would have read of the exploits of some famous rock climber and you would be familiar with the meanings of such terms as abseiling , etrier , carabiner , piton and so on .
15 The story is completed with the punishments of those pirates who were captured and brought to trial .
16 With this in view they recommended that the Golf Club be formed in conjunction with the Bondholders under such conditions as are hereinafter provided …
17 His involvement with the practicalities of such development seems to have been at the level of experience as well as theory .
18 If you are satisfied with the answers to these questions then go ahead and authorise the picture .
19 His fellow-curates found him liable to vast silences , during which he twisted a bit of cotton with the fingers of both hands .
20 The game then develops into a relay race , with the members of each team having to head the balloon to a marker at one end and then back so that the next person can take over .
21 We were all conversant with the problems of each other 's friends and relatives .
22 A successful policy for tackling the roots of urban disorder was seen as one which sought to involve all the community in dealing with the problems of each area so that they could come to feel that they have a stake in its future ( Scarman , 1981 , para. 6.42 ) .
23 Ah well we will wait and see erm , they 're trying to solve everybody 's problems but ours , er with all this talk about spending money on education , sorting out the traffic problems erm , it 's a pity they do n't spend a bit more time in their budget calculations in dealing with the problems of this council and not those of the county council .
24 He shall make hay with the others in that meadow and the lord shall give them 12d .
25 These genes are duplicated along with the chromosomes at each cell division and can be passed down from parents to their offspring .
26 ‘ The gentlemen soldiers , ’ it was recorded , ‘ dressed and trimmed themselves in their best clothes , for to drink a dish of tea with the ladies of this town , ’ who ‘ appeared in their best rigging ’ .
27 Mr Rochester is always very popular with the ladies at these parties , so he may not come back for a week or so . ’
28 It is with the perceptions of those teachers who claimed to have seen the booklet that this part is concerned .
29 He said to Kit , ‘ You 're in touch with the crunch-points in this country .
30 When dealing with leasehold property , it is also necessary to deal with the apportionments of any service charge liability .
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