Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Soap operas , naturally , provided endless scope for companionship , both with the fictional characters and as a conversation topic with friends and at work .
2 Indeed , despite his disillusion with the present reality and underneath the modest ambition he communicated to Rohde , he cherished an almost missionary hope that if and when he was himself in a position to exert influence , the future of his subject might look altogether different .
3 It paved the way for expanded West German trade with the Eastern bloc and for greater personal links between the two .
4 ‘ Not with the new techniques and in expert hands .
5 Spain is , together with Portugal , marked out from other European countries by its ambiguous historical engagement with the New World and with Africa ( for example , the Moorish conquest in the eighth century led to a domination that lasted for up to eight centuries in some regions ) .
6 I told her about the date at the pictures with the two boys and about the disaster with the bleach .
7 Meanwhile the inter-departmental Mercantile Marine Conciliation Committee , which had originally recommended the 1 August Ministry of Shipping initiative , but on which neither the owners nor the union were represented , attempted to keep the peace by bi-lateral negotiation with the two sides and with the independent local Liverpool Shipowners .
8 If that power was sufficient , the holy spirit , if that power was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead , you not think he 's able to exert that power in your life and in my life to make us live lives that are pleasing to God , of course it is so we do n't do it ourselves , just let me in closing mention one other thing , this relationship we have needs to be maintained , you know for any relationship to grow , one needs to spend time with the other person , I do n't give a lot of credence to the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder , it does with somebody else , it 's true , it does not make it grow fonder of that person the person is you know who you , you heard this story so often , like particularly like going back during the last war , folk who were separated sometimes for , for , not just for months but for several years , there they were in concentration camps perhaps , in prisoner of war camps , separated for years , they come back home they 've got to get to know each other all over again you see that a relationship on a human level as well as in our relationship with God is dependent on , on association , it 's dependent on companionship , it 's dependent on spending time with the other person and in our relationship with Christ this is achieved by , by prayer , by knowing and understanding God 's word , by having fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with other Christians is not just meeting them and passing the time of day with them , oh that 's fellowship but it 's far more than that is required , there 's the fellowship in worship , we worship together , of course I can worship God at home of course I can do it , so can you do it and we , we should do it , but there 's that re , there 's that need , that requirement as God 's people we come together to worship him in a corporate act , in the sacraments , in , as we mentioned in , in earlier on in taking the bread and the wine and remembering the lords death , there 's a sense in which I can do it by myself
9 The result meant that both parties failed to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the mainstream parties and in particular with the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) which had been discovered in recent months to have been involved in a number of scandals .
10 We 've won widespread support both within the Authority and outside , with the voluntary sector , with the private sector and with other agencies , for our approach to regenerating the city .
11 Such dressings-down of the local bosses were naturally popular with the ordinary people and for a while at least they helped to foster the paternalist image of the General-Secretary .
12 Many delegates reportedly accused Mexico of being more interested in developing trade with the developed world and in particular the USA than with poorer countries .
13 An alternative strategy is the where the female is resigned to getting no help from the mate and concentrating rather on selecting a mate with the best genes and in this case .
14 What you do with someone who is not in such a bad way will depend on your relationship with the young person and on what situation you are in :
15 Communist Euro-MPs will fight for fairer trade with the developing world and for sanctions against Apartheid in South Africa .
16 In a rapidly changing business , how can crucial decisions on manpower be taken with the necessary speed and on a basis of fact ?
17 The only hope of forming an alternative government lay in the combination of these diverse elements with the Labour Party and with a body of defectors from the Conservatives .
18 We were held in total secrecy , without any contact at all with the outside world and without ever having been charged or tried .
19 The reports prepared by the local authority 's social workers indicate that initially all the children made good progress with the foster mother and at one time their adoption by her was contemplated .
20 A tutorial is included to familiarise users with the pictorial symbols and with using a ‘ mouse ’ .
21 Well that 's , that 's fine you 've got to start with the easy ones and at your age you would n't , you would n't normally be doing them this hard at all , this is for sixteen year olds who are doing their , their plot paper on G C S E maths so you expect to find , oh hang on this is a bit hard there 's a bit of work in this , but I think you 're capable of doing it .
22 As rapporteur of the Commission which was considering national and colonial questions , Lenin made it clear it was essential to achieve the closest alliance of all national and colonial liberation movements with Soviet Russia : indeed the former were learning from bitter experience that their only salvation lay in alliance with the revolutionary proletariat and in the triumph of Soviet power over world imperialism .
23 We shall look at this very carefully and have discussions with the current owners and with everybody on the island before anything is decided .
24 This was naturally unpopular with the existing brewers and in Hertfordshire , new regulations were put in place , restricting the numbers of ale houses and their opening hours .
25 The new National Front government 's foreign policy objectives , as outlined in the President 's address on Dec. 20 , 1989 , were for a strengthening of links with India 's neighbours and co-operation through the medium of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ( SAARC ) , continued dialogue with China leading to a resolution of the two countries ' border dispute , development of the traditional friendship with the Soviet Union and of a new relationship with the United States , and economic co-operation with Japan and the European Communities ( EC ) .
26 Ramiz Alia , President of Albania and first secretary of the ruling Party of Labour , speaking at the 10th plenum of the party 's central committee in Tirana on April 17 , declared an end to opposition to diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union and with the United States .
27 She made a frantic gesture with the sharpened blades and at the same moment Rourke went into action .
28 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
29 All entries will be treated with the strictest confidence and on November 30th , we will pick our winner from the bag of completed surveys .
30 ‘ There was a strong desire throughout the region to reconvene , ’ he said after final , separate meetings with the Palestinian delegation and with the Israeli Prime Minister , Yitzhak Rabin .
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