Example sentences of "with [Wh det] [pron] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The time of youth in all creatures is a time for exercising and learning to use the mental as well as physical apparatus with which they have been born , of trying out their preprogrammed patterns .
2 Not only is the official not complaining of the handicaps with which they have been saddled by Howard 's fellow-countrymen — he 's apologizing that they have n't overcome them !
3 Equally , the temporary employment businesses make reference to a share of their workers subsequently being offered permanent jobs by the organisations with which they have been placed ( FPS , 1983 ) .
4 But there is that other Baden , just a short walk away ( or an even shorter bus ride ) with a quaint medieval quarter where you can wander amid graceful patrician houses , delightfully styled and decorated , and admire the care with which they have been preserved .
5 The concessions and trade-offs which have come to form the main content of Zambian politics have proved fatally debilitating , even though the skill with which they have been orchestrated by President Kenneth Kaunda ( KK ) has ensured that Zambia is one of the least oppressive societies in Africa .
6 ‘ Nevertheless the fact remains that disciplinary action against officials who may have exceeded their duties or wilfully abused the position of responsibility with which they have been entrusted is a purely internal matter which will be carried out , should the situation warrant it , by the appropriate authorities at the appropriate time .
7 Hamilton greeted him with emotional thanks and immediately surrendered our papers : our little Nansen passport , our Portuguese visa , even the ticket coupon with which we had been issued at the harbour of Salerno .
8 My hon. Friend identifies precisely the problem with which we have been landed by the Government and British Rail .
9 So is the power with which we have been equipped .
10 He develops at length the way in which the pursuit of wealth can numb spiritual realities but combines this with the injunction to exercise personal stewardship over those resources with which we have been entrusted .
11 ‘ You 've done quite well , ’ Arlene conceded , keeping to herself the growing excitement with which she had been watching Paula over the past weeks .
12 It was as if her mind had split into two separate portions , Gina thought as with one part of it she listened attentively to the technical explanations and absorbed the aesthetic appearance of the system with approving eyes , her creative instincts stimulated with the challenge with which she 'd been bestowed .
13 He spread the trousers carefully on the large deal table , put the towel with which he 'd been drying the luncheon dishes carefully on top of the faded tweed , smoothed it into place and began to poke out the creases with an old iron .
14 The Acting Reporter from Strathclyde , Gordon Sloan , who had filled in for the past year , would continue to look after the cases with which he had been involved .
15 Looking back on his achievements in the 21-months since he took Ministerial office , the Tory candidate said he wanted to complete the programme of reforms with which he had been involved .
16 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
17 We may also assume that thereafter the police officers abstained , as was their duty under Code C , from conducting any further interviews with the applicant in relation to the offence with which he had been charged , save perhaps in the very limited respects permitted by Code C , to which I shall later refer .
18 Harry put down the hairbrush with which he had been trying to smooth his unruly curls , and turned to face Madeleine 's brother .
19 The Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica presented me with a view of patients and diseases which was quite unlike anything which I had encountered , and gave many lively examples of the ways in which Kent had solved the clinical problems with which he had been faced .
20 For the last quarter of an hour or so his face had been furrowed with the effort of understanding the information with which he had been presented .
21 He did not carry the gong with which he had been presented as player of the tournament but Fiji 's captain Waisale Serevi — the nation having defeated the district of Suva 26-0 in the final — is not an individual who requires a calling card .
22 Carlos Navarro , resigned on June 20 as treasurer of the parliamentary group of the ruling Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) , as a result of allegations that two Madrid consulting companies with which he had been associated were fronts for the channelling of illegal donations to the PSOE from corporations and banks .
23 The operation to which Eliot had referred in his thank-you letter of 22 December was one for hernia , a trouble with which he had been afflicted from birth ( in fact he had a double hernia ) , and for which he was obliged to wear a truss .
24 On March 21 Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , announced interim results of the outcome of the review of local government structure , functions and finance with which he had been entrusted upon his appointment to the Major government in November 1990 [ see pp. 37839-40 ] .
25 This , however , does not cover the case of the Director 's power to question the person under investigation about the offence with which he has been charged .
26 The Court concluded , rightly it is submitted , that the mere fact that the defendant happens to have committed another offence in addition to the one with which he has been charged should not preclude a conviction .
27 In many cases success for one of our runners has meant a breakthrough in a problem with which he has been struggling in the classroom .
28 At this momentous hour His Excellency the Governor of Burma is to dedicate himself to Almighty God for the task with which he has been entrusted .
29 It was not a matter with which I had been confronted .
30 ‘ Because if you force me to leave , what would I do about my wretched EC forms on milk yield with which I 've been wrestling ?
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