Example sentences of "with [adj] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was like being in a supermarket during late-night shopping , with that overpowering sensation that you are losing your space .
2 It is with that general proviso that we review anti-virus or diagnostics applications running under Microsoft Windows .
3 Disraeli comments favourably on an exception to this rule at Beaumanoir : ‘ How delightful was the morning room … from which gentlemen were not excluded with that assumed suspicion that they can never enter it but for felonious purposes . ’
4 ‘ She 's in love with that creepy doctor and he 's flashing that dreary April around to upset her .
5 Even if those figures are reduced by the two million each year that leaves a very large financial mountain to climb in the years ahead and I apologise for beginning with that gloomy prognosis but it does get better , thanks to our proposals .
6 Keep with that simple guide and you wo n't often go far wrong .
7 That being so , it is worthwhile recalling the view of the student that went with that earlier epistemology and which generated the idea of students ' academic freedom ( or Lernfreiheit , as it was known ) .
8 He smiled at her with that lopsided grin and she was undone .
9 They analysed it and found that it was mud , a piece of clay , y'know , but them not being all-forgiving , they suspected that I was using drugs , y'know , so they kicked me out of home and I went to live with my grandmother and then I had more freedom there to do as I pleased and hence started going to pop festivals and things and enjoying them and getting off on them and mixing with that whole subculture if you like .
10 Tim was quite taken with that big card that he had for his birthday
11 But but you have n't argued with that mathematical innumeracy and I think it 's a comparable situation !
12 He had such a talent for self-dramatisation that I would n't have put it past him , on finding that plunger , to have invented the whole thing — except that I had watched in horror as he deliberately forced the wretched mestizo over the edge , thrusting at his face with that dummy hand until he had disappeared into the gorge below .
13 In particular , the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty which lies at the root of British democracy can not be squared with European political union as it is currently proposed .
14 There can , however , be significant psychological effects of cocaine use causing a psychosis with acute mental instability and there can be marked psychological effects of acute withdrawal .
15 First , interferon gene deletions have previously been associated with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and it would , therefore , not be too surprising to find that abnormalities of interferon regulation or of the interferon signalling pathway were tumorigenic .
16 Frankly , we are hoping you will be so taken with this first volume that you will want to own additional leather-bound editions from The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written .
17 They can do erm damage to a section of the network erm that does not bring about major destruction and with this accurate bombing that we 've been seeing this kind of operation is possible .
18 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
19 The discrepancy with this latter study and our present results can not easily be explained .
20 I 'm in bed with this blue blanket and my feet sticking up .
21 I have learnt that the sun and the stars are eternally good , and that my body leaps in contact with this sparkling world and everything that it contains from the minds of Beethoven and Shakespeare to food and drink and a soft night 's sleep .
22 ‘ So you dealt with this particular cargo when it arrived here yesterday ? ’
23 Do you seriously believe you can pick up with this tenth Gittel where you left off with Number One before ?
24 We hope that you will continue to provide us with this vital information as we embark together on the second piloting year .
25 The British have fallen in love with this Mediterranean island because it has everything for a perfect holiday : sunny skies , glorious beaches , bustling resorts , friendly people , fascinating sights and beautiful countryside .
26 ROSANNE was n't over-enamoured with this little lot when she 'd finished it , considering it too sugary and poppy , but it stands up as her finest album to date .
27 From Nirex 's new timetable it is clear that the lab has very little to do with rigorous scientific investigation and everything to do with pulling the wool over the eyes of [ local ] people . "
28 The enthusiast in the wings : Michael Heseltine tempered his Tory loyalty with some cautious ambition when he spoke to Anthony Bevins
29 That 's because Ken forgot to photo photocopy the lyrics and they 're at his house , with some other stuff and they discussed what happened on T V last night , but Ethel starts to get really annoyed , seeing as she was the one turning up late , and like , she was on about , we 're paying a lot of money for this studio , let's use it .
30 The person whom I was going to take over the job from said to me at the end of the meeting well what do you think of that meeting and I must admit I the answer and luckily somebody else instructed with some other business and I felt I got off the hook here but in fact that got dealt with very quickly and he came back to me and said well what did you think of the meeting and I had to say to him just one word , was the way I put it .
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