Example sentences of "with [pron] that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a perpetual anxiety with me that I should turn up at school wearing a dress that had been sold to that same shop by one of my fellow-pupils .
2 On our way home I explained to her that if her father discovered she had visited Wuthering Heights , he would perhaps be so angry with me that he would send me away .
3 He returned to the chateau , furious with himself that he could have allowed people to live in this way .
4 Tell the others with you that they must bow and not speak unless he speaks to them first . ’
5 No , do n't bother to voice the protest I see forming on your beautiful lips ; it will happen sooner or later , but I agree with you that we must get this business of Garry cleared up first .
6 By about the fifth month they will be able to hear the baby 's heartbeat with a stethoscope , and may feel if the baby moves — in any case , they will check with you that you can feel movements .
7 And I 'm gon na pick one at random , and I 'm gon na have this bet with you that I will get either a red or a blue .
8 The only way to tell is to ask your dealer , so please ensure that you are dealing with one that you can trust , especially if you have to specifically order them .
9 The fish are n't large and you are unlikely to return home with one that you could pop straight into a glass case , although you might well do so ; but they fight hard and give a good account of themselves .
10 Now here , it 's useful to contrast the Hobbesian approach , which I call the pessimistic view of human nature , with one that I would call optimistic .
11 You have parted with something that you might have kept and that is a sufficient ‘ detriment . ’
12 I feel excited when I come up with something that I can have Jack to help me with , I 'm always ready to hear what he has .
13 She waited for Jean , his girlfriend , to go to the Ladies , and then pounced , flirting madly and manoeuvring him into bartering with her that he would buy two whole strips if she would have a dance with him .
14 I tried to reason with her that he should know about the baby but she refused to call back or write to him .
15 But the architect had agreed with her that it would make the room much lighter and in the end Matthew had assented .
16 I left Miklós to his translation , having arranged with him that we should meet for lunch two days later .
17 I often thought it was a pointless exercise , but , as he said , ‘ If you do n't ask , you do n't get ’ , and he hoped that eventually they 'd get so fed up with him that they 'd deliver .
18 They agree with him that they must develop a vision and make some strategic decisions .
19 She felt that the interview was over , and yet his stillness held her still , and the solemnity of his regard filled her with a curious sense of freedom and enlargement , as though she enjoyed the very fashion of intimacy with him that he might have shared with a man and his peer , even with the prince himself .
20 I was gon na say as I recollect I did n't see much wrong with it that I would disagree with erm I think it 's nice to see , you know , sort of progress seems to be going on and erm er what I would say is sort of it might be a good idea to sort of line the numbers up a bit more but erm
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