Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 AN ENGLISH-based ports authority is poised to begin talks with the Ministry of Defence over buying a large area at Rosyth Dockyard for a combined passenger and freight service to Europe .
2 We hope it does not interfere with the enjoyment of viewers over Christmas Day . ’
3 This argument starts from a different point on the balance of payments circle , with the excess of imports over exports .
4 The couple have clashed with the Archbishop of York over their wish .
5 By the end of June , however , the failure to agree on all of the details , together with the lack of progress over the nuclear issue , appeared to have jeopardized the planned exchange .
6 I am rather surprised to hear that , because Greater Glasgow health board is very dissatisfied with the lack of consultation over the closure of two wards in Ruchill hospital in my constituency .
7 Edward I and Edward II had two principal courses of action open to them in their rivalry with the king of France over judicial supremacy in Aquitaine .
8 When they get drunk , have a binge , take on yet another new project or make even more plans for someone else 's recovery , they are not relapsing ; they are still suffering , still believing that they can compromise with the concept of powerlessness over mind-altering substances or behaviours .
9 According to a survey of delegates , the majority were happy with the preponderance of ideas-related over object-related sessions .
10 A third set of dilemmas revolves around the question of how greater consumer choice can be reconciled with the need for controls over the total growth of services to prevent an expenditure explosion .
11 The claim that science starts with problems is perfectly compatible with the priority of theories over observation and observation statements .
12 Apparently , 15 and 16-year-olds have to remain in prison while the Home Office argues with the Department of Health over what is to happen to them .
13 The appellants considered the mortgage could not be redeemed without their consent unless in accordance with the covenant for repayment over a period of 21 years .
14 Bryan Thomson 's match was already at the first tee when Patrick strolled up with the bag of clubs over his shoulder .
15 Putterman ( 1984 ) , whilst accepting the necessity for hierarchy in a complex organization , questions whether this needs to be associated with the domination of capital over labour .
16 The adverse consequences of such loose rein appointment procedures were not lost on one White House aide who served both Nixon and Reagan During the transition the Reagan forces took a number of steps designed to deal with the sort of problems over appointments that Nixon had encountered .
17 It is rather connected with the sort of conversation over the bar the other night .
18 In oral as well as in literate culture , it would appear that there are techniques whereby the directness and immediacy of everyday experience are contrasted with the holding of traditions over time , and with the ‘ fixing ’ and ratifying of definitions and meanings .
19 Writers with a preference for market over regulatory solutions ( whom we will refer to generically as ‘ market theorists ’ ) insist that management and shareholder interests are adequately aligned by market forces , and therefore that the lack of shareholder participation in the internal processes of control need give no cause for concern , and certainly does not indicate the necessity for any kind of external intervention .
20 He said : ‘ We have met with a wall of silence over this business .
21 The sauce was thin with a layer of sediment over the bottom of the pan .
22 Clinton 's candidacy combined 1960s-style idealism with New South pragmatism to woo voters with a promise of results over ideology or political party .
23 All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres .
24 . All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres …
25 She waited to see if he would explain anything about himself , but he simply sipped his cold beer in silence , idly watching a group of children playing see-saw with a plank of wood over a tree stump .
26 And each time you come to the exercise each time they says they say Here you are solve read through it with a bit of paper over it .
27 The shock and mystery of two tragic and violent deaths jostled for attention with a sense of uncertainty over her future relationship with Barney .
28 They can give the familiarity and the regular weekly person-to-person payment of the weekly credit caller or the mail order agent , with a measure of flexibility over payment difficulties which even an understanding commercial lender might find taxing .
29 Dependence on bureaucracies ( local authorities , the NHS , the social security system ) is said to present people with a lack of control over their own lives , to damage the spirit of independence .
30 Some people smile when they go past and there 's this woman with a couple of kids over the other side from me , but most people just walk past like they ai n't interested .
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