Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The move across open ground involved covering about 1,500 metres , but , with the fireplan to cover the company , and with the speed and protection the Warriors afforded , the company was certain it would across the featureless landscape that surrounded the enemy 's position .
2 Every year the Indian newspapers chart Siberian crane sightings with the devotion and enthusiasm the British press usually only musters at times of royal births .
3 According to his owner , who witnessed the spectacle , Jessie rose gracefully toward the ceiling like a space shuttle and , after lingering in mid-air for what seemed an eternity , crashed to the floor and fled the house with a speed and agility the owner found quite amazing .
4 With no explanation or apology the Piccadilly line train shoots through Leicester Square station without stopping and dumps a grumpy load at Covent Garden .
5 New York makes for a glaring contrast , its sky-scraping towers and constantly changing moods stamping this whirlpool of a metropolis with an excitement and energy the world has rarely seen ; Washington DC acts as a statement of political dominance , retaining a cool air of refined detachment in its stately buildings and gracious avenues .
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