Example sentences of "on [Wh det] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Disabled and older patients who experience difficulty when rising from a chair will like most people , have their ‘ special ’ chair at home , out of which they can rise relatively easily , and on which they may hang a walking stick to help with safe rising .
2 The Kadets had won the largest block of deputies to the First Duma , they had enjoyed the spectacle of leading figures in the government sounding them out on the terms on which they would enter the cabinet ; power seemed almost within their grasp .
3 The next possible commemorative year on which we might hang an Open Day and other celebrations would appear to be 1999 , marking 300 years since the Royal Charter was granted to James Sutherland ( 12 January , 1699 ) .
4 This is the last occasion on which we shall have the opportunity to debate foreign affairs and the Gracious Speech in this Parliament .
5 It said the code represented a ‘ foundation for good practice and ethical conduct … on which we can build the growing reputation of the industry ’ .
6 And similarly we must not allow ourselves to look for something below that practice on which we can ground the feeling that the practice is going on in an objectively correct way .
7 We put in a new sink and Malcolm bought us a Baby Belling cooker , one electric ring on which we could heat a an of beans very , very slowly .
8 Therefore , the only basis on which we could have a property tax and valuation would be on a national banding system because that would be understandable and objective .
9 But , of course , there was nothing on which she could strike the flint .
10 He led her to the last desk in the line , on which she could see a sheaf of pink sheets of paper .
11 And , of course , it has a telephone , on which you can make a right nuisance of yourself .
12 The ‘ right ’ side of a sheet of paper refers to the side on which you can read the watermark .
13 Masking tape is an excellent way of marking things , because it usually peels off without damaging the paper to which it was fixed , and makes a clear , creamy coloured background on which you can write the date .
14 The amount of rent charged would be a matter within the jurisdiction of the tribunal , a matter on which it would have the power to err .
15 Mr. Marston says that the court therefore has material on which it could confirm the order made by the justices , notwithstanding the way they dealt with the matter .
16 Scrutton L.J. , at p. 67 , said that the payment was demanded by the Shipping Controller colore officii , as one of the only terms on which he would grant a licence for the transfer , and he quoted Abbott C.J. and Littledale J. in Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 .
17 His first round at St Andrews , on which he would score an honourable 83 , was nearly over .
18 Heard that he had a walkie-talkie radio on which he could give the engineer instructions to slow down further , and to stop .
19 The king never turned up and the laird was left with paths on which he could hold a formula one race .
20 That is the basis on which I shall consider the application , and I will do so carefully .
21 ‘ If I cut my profits and prices to whatever lower level you prescribe — for I assume I shall have your guidance on what that should be — will you advise me about the basis on which I should ration the consumers of my article ?
22 I have a stove on which I can cook a dinner , and a paraffin stove for heating .
23 -WA serves to create a theme by identifying NP 's [ i.e. noun phrases ] that are to be placed on what we may call the ‘ thematic stage ’ .
24 You decide the question type by concentrating on what we shall call the " instruction part " of the question .
25 Sometimes I think the industry tends to focus on what we 'd like the customer to want , rather than what he or she actually wants .
26 " We 're waiting for news on what we can expect the market to be doing tomorrow .
27 The debt-counselling charities shoulder much of the burden ; here Citizens Advice Bureaux workers from all over Oxfordshire are themselves advised on what they should tell the desperate people who come to them for help because of spiralling debt .
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