Example sentences of "on [det] [noun] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 on that syllabus that I 've just looked at , so
2 We got it there or thereabouts for sales executives right ? the area development exec job but we did n't get it right we were two grand adrift quite clearly demonstrable evidence that we were two grand adrift on that pay and I 've asked now to agree to upping the pay level and if he does we might get some decent people and then we worry about the ramifications of that afterwards , yeah ?
3 But it is not on that subject that I address you .
4 It is on that bill and I think it 's something like thirty pounds .
5 We 've known them for a while , they 've been travelling to games solidly for years and are better fans on that score than I 've ever been .
6 Cos the other thing I was gon na do was to go into Lloyds , I must do that some time about this interest on that account cos I reckon it 's very low
7 Nonetheless , I believe that the CA approach can get us further with the study of code switching than other approaches tried so far , and it is on that basis that I have chosen to use it in this book .
8 can we put on that side because I think that 's where to keep it .
9 So I can muck about on that piece before I tackle it in here , so mm .
10 Indeed the European parliamentary resolution is specific on that point and I believe the boundary commission has failed to take the opportunity to exercise that requirement .
11 I hope I will , that we will have support in it on this issue and I do n't want to take up all the time but it is something that members do approach me in , and and others on the members ' services sub and I hope we have time Chairman to er give this report some consideration and let's say it 's a v , it 's a very important if you Chairman want any additionals to the recommendations , or if you say we 're going too far in the recommendations because those recommendations you have down in front of you will be forwarded on and you 're officers and your your your policies and resources they 've given some time on on this report and therefore on the bottom of page thirty one the motion to be moved says that the comments of the policy and resources committee and the recommendations of the joint working party and the internal management of the local authorities be noted for submission to the Association of County Councils as appropriate .
12 I am interested to hear Derek Brown 's opinions on this subject as I know from discussions we have had that he shares this view , but probably has a different remedy for the problem .
13 Therefore , I would see from a public point of view a substantial expenditure on this subject and I do n't think necessarily a level cuts from county planners .
14 time and time again they sit on the sidelines saying this is what we think do n't talk to us about it do n't debate it , do n't ask us to think about it , take it or leave it , if you do n't give us what we want we 'll sit back and moan and sulk and they 've played , I think that 's a very irresponsible line they 've played in the five years I 've been on this council and I hope that er again the issue on the next item on the agenda represents a change of heart on their behalf .
15 We do n't seem to have made much progress on this front so I have drawn up a set of forms myself , one for books , one for videos and one for software .
16 Erm , does any member of the Council wish to make any comment on this resolution before I put it formally to the vote ?
17 It is precisely on this point that I feel proud and happy and am convinced that my book will survive . "
18 Madam Deputy Speaker I only wanted to make a short intervention er er on this point and I think I will return to it from time to time because it is a perennial , annual problem of every time the minister introduces a a rule and regulation we can understand it 's extremely useful and how can one say that er regulations about fraud are not useful , it 's just the culture of our country has been besieged by these rules and regulations and I 'm surprised that anybody can actually make any profit or do any business simply because of the weight of officialdom and the weight of rules and regulations which prevents them from getting above er the the surface .
19 So I 've just got ten records on this file and I say those words carefully because you 've got ta distinguish between record , file and field .
20 Because I am expecting there to be a conspiracy of silence on this matter and I intend to make it as difficult as possible for the Milettis and their friends .
21 I have had many interviews , discussions and meetings on this matter and I have decided to withdraw clause 54(4) .
22 I wonder if I may offer some thoughts on this theme as I reflect on the situation facing Catholic Christians in our Church today .
23 ‘ There 's nothing on this earth that I want more than to make love to you , but , if I do , later you 'll regret it . ’
24 Well the question as far as inset er is concerned , we 've we 've already touched on this morning and I believe it was discussed yesterday .
25 I did n't , in fact , comment on this letter and I do n't see it as my job to stand in judgement or to moralise — though I 'll fervently agree it 's sad that a young girl takes such an apparently casual view of life : her own and her unborn baby 's .
26 Also , we decided to make a stylistic change on this record and I see a lot of other metal bands following suit .
27 A bite now is hardly ever missed and I am confident of landing even big fish on this gear if I take my time about it .
28 There 's just this , it 's just really funny cos I sound really wrecked yeah and I say look hello , hello look Norwegian people I just want to apologize for all this mess and all this crap on this tape but I mean yeah like you know , fuck it
29 We came to do an article on this place and I doubt if you 've written one word .
30 And turning to his colleague he said , ‘ Charley , keep an eye on these buggers while I nip round to the station . ’
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