Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [conj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cos , before you crash we had six lights on t' back and we had eight on t' front .
2 The sun shines on the ferry as we do the last of the packing , The kayaks have lifted snouts and two holes , one at each end , closed and sealed by hard rubber covers .
3 we 've already written , we 've already written last week to the Scottish office , we 've written to our member of parliament and we 've asked him to see if we can get a delay on the date because we 've taken three years to try and get planning consent .
4 We should be fine on the road if we leave plenty of time .
5 But for a little moment Martigues still stands , and we drink coffee on the quay as we wait for the boats to come in .
6 It ultimately relies on the notion that we order our world through the categorical distinctions of our language .
7 And I thought yeah I know mate , you might of now but you bloody well had n't a year ago well I said well so I said before we even put the on the field once we 'd phoned him up asked .
8 Well , I think you 're you 're putting your finger on the issue that we brought up at the very beginning about this man in the churchyard .
9 And then we got out on the course and we realized .
10 ‘ And that 's when they start to panic , ’ Billy interrupted , ‘ then they start flapping around on the surface and we start sticking 'em ; dead easy . ’
11 We can soon send on the rest if we have to . ’
12 We broke the back of it a lot on the work that we did for Rickmansworth .
13 We 've decided to set up a campaign to put pressure on the Government and we need someone to run the office .
14 Erm if we get on very well if we get through say that book one on the maths if we get through very well then we can start having a look at what he 's going to do when he goes back so he 'll understand the terms when they 're explained to him
15 Now today there are two people working one or two , there 's somebody on the door somebody o o o on the bar because we get fifty people into the club often now .
16 ‘ Our policies are based on the proposition that we need to bring the enterprise economy into the inner cities .
17 Based on the call that we had onto the programme ?
18 We have to rely simply on the speculation that we hear .
19 We 're also committed to tenant participation and er we 've done a couple of exercises already on the scheme and we 've secured some funding from the housing corporation to employ Anglian Design on our behalf with the the housing association er , to involve the tenants as fully as possible in the er , development process .
20 As for the real problem , we are in the midst of discussions with the Building Societies Association and others and in due course we shall make an announcement that will build on the assistance that we have already provided .
21 Yes , I 've got ta do the ceiling in the white and then we can start on the colour but we 've we have with Matchpots what we have erm established that you can put the paint on on that er , the paper , that paper
22 ‘ Do we have to bang our heads on the floor before we understand ?
23 We made up a bed on the floor and we took turns to sleep in the bed itself .
24 We were the second crew on the scene and we did not leave the crash site all day . ’
25 you 're , do n't you see erm Chris , what 's his face on the coach when we went to France , this is what we was going to get
26 ‘ There are a lot of young families and young children on the garrison and we have to ensure that we improve safety for them .
27 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
28 I have been speaking to him on the phone and we have decided that it would be in everyone 's interest to postpone First Holy Communion until the last Sunday of term , July 15th .
29 Well on the way that we 've instructed erm policy H one part of the provision for the Greater York districts is part of the nine thousand seven hundred .
30 A cheerful woman warned that it was an enjoyable walk , if a little steep , rocky and cold , and there were two huts on the way if we ran into trouble .
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