Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [noun] that have " in BNC.

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1 Byrd studied all research on the trait approach that had been done up to the 1940 's and only found 5% of all traits identified for leaders common to all the research .
2 In view of the fears expressed about the possibility of serious restrictions being placed on the availability of certain nutritional supplements as a result of the new EC regulations , will the Minister give us an assurance that the Government will conduct far wider and genuine consultations on the discussion paper that has been produced by the European Commission ?
3 The bank with surplus cash could buy CDs on the money market that had been issued by another bank .
4 Over here it does n't even look as if you need access to the Royal Mint or the Bank of England to forge bank-notes , judging by the warning messages on the colour photocopiers that have stationed themselves inside the printing bureaux .
5 Our reputation is built on the manufacturing skills that have made Sheffield world famous for cutlery and Birmingham equally renowned for silverware .
6 They had almost outrun the hurricane — or the hurricane had dawdled , keen to exact its full revenge on the mountain flanks that had initially defeated it .
7 After that she took out the contents of the red velvet box Marc had pressed into her hand that morning and put on the pearl earrings that had once belonged to her beloved 's grandmother , knowing that now she had a right to them .
8 GOALKEEPER Stephen Pears goes into hospital tomorrow for an operation on a cheekbone injury that has ruled him out of an international debut next week .
9 They were on a granite slab that had fallen centuries ago and lay by the shore with the water rippling at it .
10 As a former tough-tackling centre-back with Stoke , Smith has worked overtime on a City defence that has lost heavily at Millwall and Brentford in the past month .
11 A British citizen with a valid passport does not need a visa to visit the U.S. for up to 90 days for holiday or business or to transit if he enters the country on an air carrier that has agreed to participate in the no-visa program .
12 They sat at a corner table , a slab of mahogany on an iron base that had once belonged to a Singer sewing machine .
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