Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 Cathery reflected all Wilson 's sentiments on the treatment of Germans when the war was over in an election address to the people of Bootle , where he was a parliamentary candidate .
2 On the evidence of opinion-swings when the bombing of Iraq began , this wo n't prevent the public from cheering lustily when Bush orders the bombers to take off .
3 At last they decided to withdraw from the square and were on the point of departure when they were suddenly surrounded by a group of tough-looking soldiers , helmeted and armed .
4 Wigan 's New Zealand captain , Bell , now playing as well as ever in his long career , scored two tries , the last bringing the house down on the stroke of time when he raced from halfway before touching down …
5 Wimbledon might have conceded a second goal on the stroke of half-time when Harford curled his shot narrowly over after a poor clearance by Segers .
6 They almost achieved the former on the stroke of injury-time when Kevin Ball headed against the underside of Jim Leighton 's bar .
7 GREAT Britain cross country international Angie Foster demonstrated her considerable talents on the track on Saturday when she sliced almost ten seconds off the Northumberland Schools Championships intermediate girls 3,000 metres record .
8 There was a second guard-chamber between the outer and inner baileys , but it was unlikely to be on the alert at night when the main gate was manned .
9 Mm , I can do it , on a couple of days when Tel 's at work , you sit in a box , on a chair
10 As for the borrowing lecture and the lecture on job creation , I have been able to state on a number of occasions when I have been a little more demotic that all independent forecast suggest that under a Labour Government — heaven forbid — borrowing and unemployment would be higher .
11 If you stand on a hill in winter when there is a thaw or look down from a motorway , especially in the Midlands , you can hardly miss the pattern of long parallel bands of snow , which are always the last to go from the hollows of the old ridge and furrow .
12 I noticed that he never put on an air of diffidence when , as here , his own work was being cited .
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