Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( That figure , though , depends as much on the future price of oil and the level of the dollar as on the price of credit alone . )
2 4.1 The Company will provide the Supplier on the date of commencement hereof and thereafter on each anniversary of the said date with a forecast for the following twelve months of the Company 's requirements for the Products .
3 15.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date of signature hereof and shall continue until the completion of the Project or until otherwise determined by written agreement between the contributors .
4 There is still Londesborough Lodge on the road to Driffield where the ‘ gentry ’ used to stay whilst on shooting expeditions .
5 SICK pop idol Michael Jackson was on the road to recovery yesterday as furious fans slammed the way his Wembley concert was cancelled .
6 The most obvious fact about the design of The Silmarillion is that , like the Shire , it is a ‘ calque ’ , though on the history of Genesis rather than the history of England .
7 Joss Ackland , Faith Brook and Jean Simmons join Joan Hickson on the trail of murder most mysterious in They Do It With Mirrors .
8 Is it possible to build a coherent ethic on the principle of awareness alone ?
9 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
10 He said : ‘ The Tories are trying to lay the blame on the ghost of years past . ’
11 Do follow the directions on the tub of formula carefully , only adding the required number of scoops .
12 And obviously it 's had an impact on the row of shops out on Road for example .
13 To continue to develop the relationship between the Sub-Committee and Scottish Partners by visits/time on the Sub-Committee for Partners etc .
14 Judith Hughes , for example , puts forward a way of seeing autonomy ( and adulthood ) based primarily on the notion of responsibility rather than that of rationality , thus giving an ethical dimension to autonomy .
15 The first was just 20 minutes after the polls closed when , during a sample of random live interviews in Manchester , a man with a business on the verge of bankruptcy cheerfully admitted that the Tories had got him into this and he relied on them to get him out .
16 She had been on the verge of hysteria then ; add to that a day of travelling , with him pushing Chalon as fast as the horse could go carrying a double weight , plus the previous day 's tensions , and it was a wonder she had n't given in to it .
17 Born in 1930 , so she must be on the verge of retirement now .
18 Er locally no real troubles on the M One er if you 're heading down to Leicestershire we have the work at twenty two on the M One not really causing too many troubles but some brand new work on the go in Northants today between junctions nineteen and eighteen that 's the M Six down towards Rugby .
19 He commanded his church to be built on the knowledge of God not on ethos .
20 Marlborough , if brought back to life , would have found on the field of Waterloo comparatively little with which he was not already familiar .
21 And I would like to find some way of saying to people who do smoke , for instance , even on the top of buses where it 's now banned , you know , please do n't !
22 Now that the by-election in Kincardine and Deeside has focused attention on the issue of Scotland once again , and with the continuing difficulties in establishing a democratic local administration in Ulster , will the Prime Minister consider initiating consultations with other parliamentary parties with a view to reaching agreement on common structures of government throughout the United Kingdom ?
23 A bi-partisan approach to foreign policy could be maintained in the most momentous ever commitment in US foreign policy , the North Atlantic Pact , but it had broken down on the issue of China even if ‘ the attack of the primitives ’ , as Acheson put it , had as much to do with Truman 's unexpected victory in the presidential election in 1948 and the consequent fury and frustration of the Republican Party .
24 We have had debates on the entrenchment of rights ; on federalism or regional devolution as against the unitary state ; on the case for consensus rather than majority as a basis for government , on the relative weight of national versus local mandates and the independence of local government , on the duty of civil servants ; on electoral reform with all its implications for the operations of government ; on who should define the national interest ; on open government and official secrecy ; on complementing representative democracy by referenda and other forms of participation — and much else .
25 Greg went out on the course with Laura about 11 PM and sat at the bleachers on the 18th with a bottle of champagne while he went over his round again .
26 By contrast , Malaysia has been able to be much more liberal ; there have been no restrictions on the remittance of profits abroad or on the withdrawal of capital through divestment .
27 For example , on the Earth water in hydroxyl form occurs in clays , and if similar clays were exposed on the surface of Venus then the abundance of water in the atmosphere would be roughly that observed .
28 The surface of the brain is totally insensitive , and operations on the brain in humans commonly involve only a local anaesthetic .
29 On the day agreed , travel from any station to Goschenen by rail on a special round-journey ticket , take over the reserved hire-cycle there , and set off on the journey of exploration downhill on the old cantonal road , taking as much time , and with as many halts , as suits you .
30 It was based in part on the resurrection of ideas originally propounded by G. H. Mead .
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