Example sentences of "on [art] [noun] of [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the date of arrival the guest 's name is typed on a card strip and inserted into the reception board ( see Fig. 3.18 ) in the room number allocated .
2 On the verge of bankruptcy a couple of years ago , Hannibal was rescued by an American company in a deal which left Boyd in charge as manager of the label .
3 On the issue of cost the answer depends very much upon how the costs are calculated .
4 At the same time , the Harter Act requirement encouraged the practice of indicating on the bill of lading the slightest apparent irregularity in the goods or their packaging , even when the apparent irregularity was inevitable with the type of goods shipped , such as ‘ wrappers bloodstained ’ for meat shipments , or ‘ rusty ’ for iron shipments .
5 On the day of vaccination the vaccines are kept in the table drawer .
6 At 10 am on the day of admission an indwelling cannula was placed into an antecubital vein .
7 On the Day of Atonement the high priest confessed the sins of the whole community before the scapegoat was released ( Leviticus 16:21 ) .
8 Many of the families were Ayrshire members of the Free Church of Scotland , led by the Rev. Thomas Burns , and on the eve of departure the minister conducted a service on the shore .
9 As we shall see management of cases using the LM scale is based on the quantity of medicine the patient takes .
10 On June 29 the " troika " of foreign ministers of Italy , Luxembourg and the Netherlands reported on their visit to Yugoslavia the previous day , on the recurrence of violence the troika returned to Yugoslavia on June 30 [ see p. 38275 ] .
11 Of the forty women , twenty-six claimed that they worked harder than their husbands , seven said the men worked harder , and seven that it depended on personality or on the kind of job the husband had .
12 On the fringes of power a new idealism has emerged .
13 On the question of provenance the V&A 's acquisition policy states : ‘ Every effort must be made to prevent the acquisition of objects illegally excavated , appropriated or exported ’ .
14 On the level of ideology the Conservative Government has attempted to tackle not only a crisis of legitimation but also of motivation .
15 We should also note that it is based on certain assumptions , for example it is assumed that those who have some reason to form a pressure group will , in an open society , do so , and that the degree of governmental response will depend on the degree of pressure the group is able to exert , and that this is directly related to the group 's importance to the community .
16 Amongst the many excellent and well researched books that have been written on the subject of bereavement the following are outstanding in their capacity to help those who have suffered a major loss : Grief and how to live with it by Sarah Morris ( published in 1971 by George Allen and Unwin ) ; A grief observed by C. S. Lewis ( published in 1961 by Faber and Faber ) — of particular interest to widowers — and Bereavement .
17 It may be an abuse of process if either ( a ) the prosecution have manipulated or misused the process of the court so as to deprive the defendant of a protection provided by the law or to take unfair advantage of a technicality , or ( b ) on the balance of probability the defendant has been , or will be , prejudiced in the preparation or conduct of his defence by delay on the part of the prosecution which is unjustifiable : for example , not due to the complexity of the inquiry and preparation of the prosecution case , or to the action of the defendant or his co-accused , or to genuine difficulty in effecting service .
18 At a time of ‘ awful crisis , when constitutions of kingdoms are on the point of dissolution the stain of the blood of Africa is no longer upon us ’ thus removing ‘ a mill-stone about our necks , ready to sink us to perdition ’ .
19 But something would still have been gained , for we would not be claiming to know on the basis of experience the nature of a world which is independent of experience .
20 Alternatively , it was suggested that a limit be placed on the amount of money a solicitor could handle in a personal/ family transaction .
21 The amount of money the retailer spends on advertising depends on the amount of money the shop takes in a year .
22 In the years before the 1988 Act , the government introduced elaborate procedures to control the spending of local authorities , initially by financially penalising those authorities that exceeded the amount the government thought they should spend , and ultimately by imposing limits on the amount of revenue a recalcitrant authority could raise ( ‘ rate capping ’ ) .
23 The prosecution laboured long on the amount of time the whittling had taken which therefore proved considerable premeditation .
24 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
25 Tacograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
26 Tachograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
27 This is shown by the judgment of Lord Greene in Saltman where he said : " If two parties make a contract under which one of them obtains for the purpose of the contract or in connection with it some confidential matter , even though the contract is silent on the matter of confidence the law will imply an obligation to treat that confidential matter in a confidential way as one of the implied terms of the contract ; but the obligation of confidence is not limited to cases where the parties are in a contractual relationship " .
28 Election Comment : Living on the margins of error The Pollsters
29 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
30 On the outbreak of war the original components of the Peace Alliance and the Unity Campaign scattered in different directions .
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