Example sentences of "with the [noun prp] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Langbaurgh School , in Sulby Avenue , has been chosen to take part in the BBC Newsround Election , the world 's biggest ever children 's election organised by the BBC in association with the Hansard Society and supported by a national newspaper .
2 And it 's the interaction of these electrical fields with the Darkfall electricity that causes these … things to happen . ’
3 Graham began climbing with the Edinburgh JMCS and shared first ascents of significant Scottish routes like Parallel B Gully , Lochnager ( 1958 ) , Smith 's gully on Creag Meaghaidh ( 1959 ) and Vanishing Gully on Ben Nevis ( 1961 ) .
4 I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game and , I like the idea of making my own game worlds with the ZZT Editor and controlling the objects using the built in ZZT-OOP programming language .
5 At an earlier meeting , in Turnberry ( Scotland ) on June 7-8 , the North Atlantic Council ( of NATO Foreign Ministers ) had announced outline proposals for improving co-operation with the Warsaw Pact and set the agenda for the forthcoming summit .
6 If you have taken the previous walk around the Hradčany leave the Strahov Monastery by Úvoz Street , the road originally connecting the Hradčany with the Malá Strana and marking the boundary between the two districts .
7 The British initially negotiated with the Vichy authorities and showed no enthusiasm for replacing them with Free French officials , and in the end made belated concessions to appease Free French sensibilities .
8 Community pharmacy , an underused resource , will change with the NHS reforms and become better integrated into the prescribing process to ensure optimum pharmaceutical care .
9 It is concerned to remove barriers to the process of product authorisation , to unify standards and ensure patent protection for EC biotechnology products in order to compete with the US industry and attract investment .
10 In a well researched book , Folk Heroes of Britain , by Charles Kightly , an English scholar , the author successfully debunks the legend connecting Cole with the Colchester area and supports the view that the Ayrshire legend is based on fact , Coel or Coilus being the person celebrated in the nursery rhyme .
11 The new path links the Staffordshire Way with the Cotswold Way and gives hikers an uninterrupted 100-mile walk .
12 Thenceforward , until the Slovenes broke with the Habsburg empire and joined the newly formed Serb-Croat-Slovene state in 1918 , the fortunes of this small Slav community were linked to those of Austria .
13 He also vowed to maintain ties with the United States while continuing to improve relations with the Soviet Union .
14 The tariff reform camp had a bonus in 1911 from events in Canada : Laurier 's Liberal government had negotiated a Reciprocity Agreement with the United States that cut across all of the arguments for imperial preference .
15 The regime had recently expressed readiness to develop relations with the United States and to join the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
16 It must be stated that Yamamoto never wanted war with the United States and advised against it .
17 They 're padded , branded with the Yamaha logo and finished in rock ‘ n ’ Roll black with an adjustable shoulder strap .
18 RP thus has no direct effect on the convergence pattern displayed by middle-class speakers : therefore , if we start with the RP norm and derive these speech community patterns from it , we can falsify the situation totally .
19 This provision comprises two honours degrees and two diploma courses , ( one in conjunction with the NI Hotel and Catering College ) , offered under the aegis of the Department of Hotel and Catering Management .
20 At the end of that period , in May 1943 , Hugh Wilson , who was in charge of the Rangoon diocese , Bishop West being in the USA recovering from a severe motor accident , agreed that we should move to Simla so that I might maintain liaison with the Burma Government-in-exile that had made its headquarters there .
21 So Palace officials have now put in another rush order with the Gloucestershire company that makes the ties .
22 He was gazing up at the stars , probably communing with the Mother Ship and receiving new instructions .
23 The Association is grateful for the help and advice in connection with the Storrington scheme that has been received from Orbit Housing Association .
24 One leader took between fifteen and twenty people , hired a hall , broke the link with the Cobham Fellowship and began to establish a church which has grown to some sixty members .
25 It 's a great opportunity to be able to meet with the Leeds Chairman and talk about the points you raised .
26 The result of this was that the sales force on the continent had lost confidence with the Axminster products but needed them for contract work , eg hotels …
27 On the contrary , it proved , beyond any doubt , that the Templars were familiar with the Atbash Cipher and employed it in their own obscure , heterodox rites .
28 A distance of 3kpc would agree with the -D estimates and place the remnant satisfactorily in the Norma spiral arm .
29 One moment it 's out with the Brillo pad and scour , scour , scour .
30 When delivered ready to start running on I August 1913 , the ten ‘ SoutherN ’ buses were integrated with the L.G.O.C. fleet and allocated to Streatham Garage , from which they normally worked on route 59 , ( Oxford Circus and South Croydon ) which competed directly with Croydon Corporation trams , emphasising Croydon 's weakness in not having through running powers to work to London .
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