Example sentences of "with the [noun] that [pron] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 For quite some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die .
2 She had watched girl friends drift from affair to affair which always began with such certainty that ‘ this time it will be different ’ , and inevitably ended in tears with the realisation that it was n't .
3 Rather than some forbidding official document , his report consisted of a letter to me with the disclaimer that it was not intended to be a major addition to the already considerable library of the National Health Service .
4 The profusion of newer universities have taken to offering franchised versions of their courses at further education colleges , while breaking with the tradition that it was unbecoming for a university to do anything so crass as advertising its wares .
5 King Vidor showed with The Champ that he was very much at home in what Hollywood was now establishing as ‘ the city ’ but not surprisingly he was also taking up other challenges .
6 of patients surveyed were either satisfied or very satisfied with the service that they were receiving at the Northern General hospital trust — an impressive result .
7 Food and meals are given such prominence that an unwary reader may be left with the notion that he was mainly remarkable for gluttony .
8 He sent me away with the assurance that I was not homosexual , and a grasp of the breathtaking logic of my sexual development was all I needed to gain the confidence to become a red-blooded , penis-toting , figure-of-eight-female-body-screwing heterosexual man .
9 she was saying now is he still going with the girl that he was , that he 's going wi he was going with and I says he 's still .
10 She wrapped up the clogs and gave them back to me with the instruction that I was only to wear the shoes when I came to call .
11 Last Saturday , she had sent Belinda to one of her favourite clothing boutiques , with the instruction that she was to let Hélène guide her in her choice .
12 A lot of people ran away with the idea that they were Pacifists , but so far as he was concerned that was not true .
13 I played with the idea that I was Messiah … ’
14 It was heartfelt and deep , but Theo should not run off with the idea that it was all laughter and light and the cooing of turtle doves .
15 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
16 How did you how your m mother er come to terms with the idea that you were n't going to go to the county school ?
17 If you put your finger up her bum while she was coming , she did n't pretend to object just to stop you running away with the idea that she was the kind of woman who would n't object if you put your finger up her bum while she was coming .
18 The five research nurses at Abingdon Hospital , near Oxford , independently came up with the idea that there was a need for a national representative body .
19 Its menace and her memory of the cold cruelty of the man , together with the realization that it was the point of a knife pricking her neck , made her shudder .
20 From the day I first got an inkling of ‘ where babies come from ’ and taxed my mother with the proposition that I was therefore no relation to my father , I believed that it was me and me alone who had been responsible for all that pain and trouble called my birth .
21 For it is the kind of work that these individuals carried on with the knowledge that they were seeking to improve life on earth , that set the example for the vast mass of the human race to follow and thereby perpetuate , albeit largely unknowingly , the strengthening and augmentation of the Created God .
22 They also worked with the knowledge that there was a big Russian timber boat due in on the midday tide .
23 ‘ I see now what a mistake it was to listen to her , but she planted the seed quite naturally , in her own devious little way , and I thought about it , torturing myself with the knowledge that it was a possibility .
24 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
25 My own guess , in the latter case , is that sheer ecstasy came with the discovery that it was possible not only to walk out of a marriage , but to do so and flourish , and that the rest of her life was devoted to recapturing this outrageous , outcast joy .
26 At the house he invited Rose in but she refused with the excuse that it was too late .
27 What was he doing with the things that he was finding ?
28 Having replied Yes with much confidence in his initial request I did not think I could take two steps to the rear , so I hastened to add that the job would take me some considerable time as ti would be my spare-time/spare-time job , consoled myself with the thought that it was the first time that I had made anything to be used in a church , so it would be a challenge .
29 As the heating was off it had been cold , but he had comforted himself with the thought that it was not as cold as it was outside where many of the animals were .
30 With the boys he was reliable , dependable and consistent , a proper parent , and , while I refuse to whip myself any longer with the thought that I was a bad mother , I will admit to being unconventional .
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