Example sentences of "you 've [adv] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 've sure had a hard time , Yvonne ; let's hope a copy of PowerPoint will cheer you up .
2 Erm but maybe this , this issue is , is , could be important in the sense that you , you 've got tt er if you take China as a whole you 've probably got well in excess of a million villages erm you 've probably got a denser population in the south than the north so you 've got more than half a million villages in the south
3 So you 've probably got a wide amount of interests
4 You 're not old nan you 've just lived a long time
5 ‘ It 's a bit of an aphrodisiac apparently , ’ I explained — ‘ which is tremendously useful when you 've just done a two-and-a-half hour show , driven 45 minutes home , eaten a baked potato the size of a human foot , scrubbed off two layers of greasepaint , nose shading , violet eyeshadow and seemingly permanent mascara , brushed one and a half cans of lacquer off the split ends , flossed the gums , massaged the bridgework , popped the ear plugs over the acupuncture needle , put the airplane mask over the anti-ageing eye cream and — pièce de lack of résistance — applied the ‘ Tonic Bust ’ to prevent anything descending further south during the night .
6 And it 's wired right into the power amp , so you do n't have to worry about tone circuits or reverbs — you 've just got a good sound to play along with .
7 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
8 You 've just introduced a new method of measurement for all planners Mr .
9 You 've just signed a new striker , I told him , and I 'll give you three guesses who it is .
10 you just had , you 've just had a bloody , you 've had a off work
11 You 've also built a big wall around your house .
12 But , you 've also got a methile group on carbon two of that chain .
13 Oh that 's better , oh no you 've already got a nice one of those .
14 You do n't want that cos you 've already got a nice one have n't you ?
15 Then when you 've all found a good combination , you do it for a while , then you turn on the tape machine …
16 You 've never said a truer word , Sergeant .
17 You 've never heard a speed-thrash organ pop LP called ‘ Life ’ , never experienced ‘ The Beast Inside ’ 's prog rock excesses and never drifted off to the gorgeous pop of ‘ This Is How It Feels ’ .
18 Not the place to leap on if you 've never heard a single GOR song , but the dedicated and the brave newcomer will find much on ‘ Too Much Fun ’ to fall in love with .
19 ‘ But you 've never suffered a single nervous moment in your life ! ’
20 But of course , ’ his tone flayed like a whip , ‘ you 've never done a dishonest thing in your life . ’
21 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
22 ‘ I bet you 've never had a real boyfriend in your life , have you ?
23 If you 're like me you 've still got a fair way to go !
24 You 've still got a fair gap to make up between that and your salary .
25 Hold on a minute you 've still got a this on the bottom have n't you ?
26 Remember , you 've still had a great season . ’
27 So you 've obviously dropped a few marks on that .
28 Although bargaining is often very tough you 've always got a better chance if you know with whom you are dealing — it helps if you 've had the odd meal or drink together or a game of squash .
29 You 've watched all the videos and you 've really got a good working knowledge of these subjects have n't you ?
30 You 've really got a disgusting bite !
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