Example sentences of "you are going to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you are going to be bringing up your baby on your own , you may be able to get more money every week on top of your child benefit .
2 So , if you are going to be exposed to the sun , do n't forget the sun cream .
3 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
4 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
5 For instance , if you are going to be discussing inner city problems , speaking about them from a beautiful stately home deep in the heart of the countryside lessens the impact somewhat !
6 That is the signal to get the diary ready because you are going to be asked to speak at a dinner .
7 He fields a steady stream of enquiries , not only from visitors — ‘ You never know what you are going to be asked next ’ — but from the growing number of researchers aware of his expertise and experience .
8 You are going to be getting them at the end of the case in any event and why should you be kept out of them ?
9 ‘ You are nine years old and you are going to be sent away to a good school , and you must take advantage of all they teach you .
10 Sorry you are going to be burdened , but there it is .
11 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
12 ‘ Along , no doubt , with such minor matters as pay , rations , scope of your responsibilities and what you are going to be called .
13 Because over the coming months I suspect that as a result of the E P A you are going to be called on more and more for information , for putting out press releases , for talking to people , for talking on the telephone , I mean , every single newspaper now seems to have an environmental reporter , and you 're going to be , I suspect , right in the forefront of it .
14 Each vertical square can represent one , two , four , six or eight rows of actual knitting , depending on the knitting technique you are going to be using with the design .
15 Besides — ’ again she pried her eyes away from the eyeglasses and looked at her cousin ‘ — in just a few minutes you are going to be transformed into a femme fatale .
16 And you are going to be going skiing January the fourth which is not many days away .
17 If you are going to be integrating photographs into your documents then it is obviously fairly essential to make sure that the software can look after the TIFF file format ( or any other that you may be working with ) .
18 The last Advice I shall give you , relates to your Behaviour when you are going to be hanged ; which , either for robbing your Master , for House-breaking , or going upon the High-way , or in a drunken Quarrel , by killing the first Man you meet , may very probably be your Lot …
19 but if , if you are going to be spending a whole lot of money on tents and if these were any good
20 ‘ Usually , you 're only thinking about whether you are going to be working again . ’
21 If you explain that in the drama lesson you are going to be working together , that you will need their help , that you can not create the drama on your own , you are raising their status , making them important .
22 Erm , you are going to be practising at least one A Level skill when you do that , and that 's precis .
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