Example sentences of "you could [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You could also paint the tip of the cane silver , if liked .
2 If you do n't want to use your machine at all just now , you could also make the tubing by using one of those marvellous little gadgets for French knitting without tears , or even the classic four nails in the top of a cotton reel — slow , but wonderful to keep small children occupied for hours and very soothing for you too .
3 You could also calculate the increase in the numbers each week .
4 If you want to you could also cut the bottom of the bookmark into a fringe .
5 You could also use the abbreviation ‘ wpg ’ for the instances when the word ‘ word-processing ’ is required .
6 You could also use the medicine ball in a one-armed shot put action , using first one side and then the other .
7 The lace skirt with a plain top looks very new , but you could also use the lace for a summer top .
8 You could also contact the Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians , 57–61 Newington Causeway , London SE1 6BL , tel. ( 071 ) 403 2351 .
9 Just because you want a pale , peach-coloured border for a room does n't mean that you are restricted to using similar-coloured flowers when planning the design : you could even create the design using brown leaves and blue flowers , providing their shapes are satisfactory .
10 You could barely see the barber jackets for the brollies … torrential rain and wind made the going heavy everywhere at Cheltenham .
11 The last time Oxford played fellow strugglers Bristol City you could barely see the pitch .
12 so , sh oh she said you , oh first of all she said you can go and get the key , so I said oh no I 'm not bothered about the key I said if you could just leave the side gate open , so erm
13 Do you think you could just open the door for me please !
14 Well after a while the bricks got hot enough that you could just adjust the valve to where the stove would get almost cherry red and it was a very nice fire .
15 The tide was already on the turn , you could just see the stone margin of the path they had walked .
16 The fabric was so delicate that if she wore it without a brassiere you could just see the outline of her nipples .
17 A piece of thick , stiff cardboard about 40 cm × 15 cm for each tank — you could instead modify the design , using pieces of hardboard or preferably thin plywood , in which case you could make slightly larger aquaria ; a roll of transparent plastic sandwich bags ; one large , wide rubber band for each tank ; Bostik or other glue suitable for gluing the cardboard — if you are using plywood or hardboard , use a wood glue and small panel pins to fix the sections together ; a supply of jars or plastic containers with screw-on or snap-on lids .
18 For example , in a narrow town or terrace house where the front door opens directly into a corridor-like space , you could either take the wall down altogether , or make an arch going into the living room , or take the wall down to seating level , literally making a seating ledge .
19 ‘ It was like a collective , you could either buy the porn through the mail , or you could send in a tape of yourself and get plugged into the apparatus that way , ’ explains David James , a film professor at the University of Southern California , who has researched the phenomenon .
20 Much more alarming is the idea that you could not tell the difference between an expanding and a contracting Universe , and might indeed live in a Universe in which the arrow of time points in the opposite direction from the one you think it does !
21 You may have driven the ball 50 yards downfield , you may have won six rucks in succession , but , on the seventh attempt , if you could not get the ball away , you lose it .
22 I mean you like the ordinary houses are , there 's no room and you could not bend the coffin with a person in it so they would have to take the window or the bedroom or wherever the corpse was
23 The houses were linked together with heavy fretwork windows so that you could not see the sky .
24 Sometimes you could not see the food for the trees .
25 You could not hear the voice of reason , only the terrible curiosity , insisting that it be satisfied .
26 You could organise a large event at your local park or a sponsored ramble in the country ; or you could simply leave the car at home and get people to sponsor your walk to the station .
27 Sterling … in those days you could n't float the pound .
28 Yes , there was n't a job for you if you could n't carry the barley .
29 ‘ In a way it would be interesting to work in a country where you could n't speak the language so you could communicate with your eye and your camera , not your tongue .
30 Er the other thing you 've got to have and very essentially , is coordination , got to cross those stepping stones if you could n't coordinate the action right , now this is vitally important this coordination , it 's the skilful interaction of the five senses , the brain , the nerves and the muscles , acting with the right degree of effort and timing .
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