Example sentences of "that one [prep] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 That means that one of a quartet of 17-year-olds — Nicky Butt , David Beckham , Gary Neville or Chris Casper will make a dramatic debut .
2 This will be so where he is reasonably satisfied that one of a group of two or more people , including yourself , must have committed an act of gross misconduct ( such as theft of money from a room to which only a very limited number of individuals had access ) , and yet he can not pinpoint the actual culprit , despite having examined all the evidence thoroughly .
3 In theft terms it is difficult to see that one of the rights of the customer has been adversely interfered with .
4 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
5 ‘ failed to comply with the conditions subject to which it was granted ’ Means that one of the conditions of the provisional licence has not been complied with , i.e. failing to display ‘ L ’ plates in this case
6 Could I remind the Prime Minister that one of the consequences of his Maastricht agreement is to prevent Northern Ireland from participating in the new cohesion fund , to the extent of losing tens of millions of pounds ?
7 Aquino , who had initially opposed any retention of US bases within her country , characterized the new treaty as " a straightforward , pragmatic investment in our economic future " , and warned senators that one of the consequences of rejecting the treaty would be " the derailment of plans for the modernization of the armed forces " .
8 It seems clear that one of the effects of this is that more people are fearful both for their own future and for that of the person who has died .
9 It might plausibly be assumed that one of the effects of a long retention interval is to restore the lost arousing properties of a familiar context .
10 If the difference is real , however , it could be that one of the effects of the project involvement was to alert other service-providers to any need for institutional care at an earlier stage than would occur for those in the control sample .
11 It is therefore reasonable to suggest that one of the MOs of a 1 symmetry is largely O 2s in character , while the O 2p z and H ( 1s + 1s ) orbitals combine to generate bonding and anti-bonding MOs .
12 I know from experience that one of the frustrations of being head of the Children 's Book Foundation is that however bright and brilliant Julia Eccleshare 's Children 's Books of the Year is , no one seems to buy it .
13 He jokes that one of the problems of backstroke is that he ca n't see where he 's going .
14 When constructing a funny story remember that one of the elements of humour in the punchline is surprise , going suddenly from the sublime to the ridiculous , from exhilaration to despair , from discovery of a tragedy to self-centred concern about some minor problem .
15 It is worthy of notice that one of the owners of the Van Lead Mines , which gave rise to the railway , was William Lefaux , who later became a director of the BCR .
16 It is clear that one of the challenges of molecular systematics is to deal with sequence data of ancient and possibly highly specialized lineages .
17 Everett Hughes ( 1958 , p.83 ) states that one of the manifestations of social unrest is in challenges to the prerogatives of the leading professions .
18 Er , speaking of accountants , I must tell you that one of the perks of my job is to be able to get out and about in the real world , to real companies , meeting real people .
19 In particular erm we were worried that the county just had not acknowledged that one of the phenomena of the nineteen eighties had been that much of the industrial land in the borough of Harrogate converted to B one office use .
20 Does my right hon. Friend agree that one of the difficulties of the tragic situation in Cyprus is that the Greek Cypriot Government are recognised as the Government of the whole island , whereas the Turkish invasion was precipitated by the Greek Cypriot coup , which destroyed the 1960 constitution ?
21 Now two Americans , Vincent Wilson and Peter Jones at the University of Southern California , have evidence that one of the actions of cancer-causing chemicals may be to jam the mechanism that normally keeps these genes — as well as other cellular genes — under control .
22 HOW sad that one of the perils of stardom is the kind of fans you attract .
23 I believe in the end that one of the casualties of taking short cuts and losing integrity is that you will not get good people coming into the business .
24 During the second interval Geoffrey apologised , giving the excuse that one of the battens of the hollow trees had worked itself loose and that at the last moment Bunny had required him to fix it more securely into its brace .
25 ‘ Yesterday morning , during the hearing , I formed the opinion , along with my client , that one of the members of the bench appeared to be asleep . ’
26 Rostov thought about the warning which he had received before leaving Knossos — an anonymous permafax which indicated that one of the members of his staff had been commissioned as an assassin .
27 He believed that they could so perfectly fit this classification that one of the functions of leys was for ritual or teaching purposes .
28 He classified his poems on Hartleian principles , e.g. Imagination , Affection , Sentiment and Reflection , and in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads he explained that one of the functions of poetry is to show how ‘ we associate ideas in a state of excitement ’ ; Wordsworth did not expect his poems to ‘ gratify certain known habits of association ’ — he will provide new associations and ‘ create the taste by which he is to be enjoyed ’ .
29 He suggested that one of the functions of ritual is the shedding of ‘ bad ’ feelings , being the final resort in conflict-solving in what he calls ‘ social drama ’ .
30 As an example , note that one of the properties of the equality relationship on Z used in the proof of 1.2.1(i) may be stated succinctly as
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