Example sentences of "that will [verb] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The easiest one , and the one undoubtedly is the one that will continue to be used to keep whatever needs that we have presented to us within reasonable financial budgets , will be on the home care , respite care , day care , er short-term emergency admissions , support in the home , and indeed our ability to develop those services .
2 Yet , these gains in certainty have been made at the expense of the title and negotiability functions , functions that will continue to be needed for the foreseeable future .
3 Notably in New England and California , the adjustment between old expectations of ever-better social services , paid for by an ever-growing economy , and the new recessionary reality is a large one that will have to be made quickly .
4 The findings of your own and other studies on the costs of computing , point towards our own computing staff being a resource that will have to be replicated in the new structures .
5 By then you should know the tournament , the course and the shots that will have to be played by the leaders . "
6 These three examples show the wide range of conditions that will have to be handled in providing far additions .
7 In detail , will the Minister give the capital debt figure that will have to be shouldered by these three hospitals ?
8 In any case , if one insists on talking about knowledge , the question that will have to be answered sooner or later is what does constitute genuine knowledge , and if it should turn out , as it well might , that in defining the conditions of knowledge one has to make use of existential propositions of one sort or another , then the suggested reductivist paraphrase will not have achieved its purpose .
9 This is the key to Dorothy Heathcote 's attitude to drama ; may I suggest it is also a key to the re-thinking that will have to be done vis-à-vis the arts and the curriculum .
10 Well , there will be a certain amount of explanation that will have to be done , because Geoffrey Howe is a well known , well liked figure among many people that I deal with er but now , and for some time now , for a year now , it 's I who have been dealing with them and I hope I 've inherited some of the work and some of the trust which he helped to create .
11 VETERANS of England 's last strife-torn Test series in India eight years ago have warned of the dangers and sacrifices that will have to be faced if Lord 's insist on going ahead with an 11-week tour at the end of this month .
12 is a story that will have to be told elsewhere . )
13 The French Open champion has ‘ a serious condition that will have to be taken care of in a substantial way , ’ said her agent , Phil de Picciotto .
14 Slow play is the other problem for World Cup that will have to be addressed .
15 Still , Phil Danaher , the new Irish captain , knows the mountain that will have to be climbed .
16 It is a point that will have to be stressed again and again .
17 Let us try to summarize some of the things that will need to be kept in mind .
18 If the policy makers are willing to learn from some of the mistakes made in industry , where hasty changes were made which led to a dramatic brain drain subsequently , the unpalatable adjustments that will need to be made in London should create less harm than will otherwise be the case .
19 2 Choose a patient who has had major surgery and list all the arrangements that will need to be made for his discharge home .
20 To avoid potential disputes the parties should set out in a letter , preferably attached to the sale agreement , any specific adjustments that will need to be made for the purpose of the completion statement .
21 However , it is yet another decision that will need to be discussed with clients .
22 However , there are various pros and cons that will need to be weighed up carefully depending on your age , the transfer value of your earlier pension and the anticipated annual amount available for investing in your new scheme .
23 Another factor that will need to be taken into account is the prevailing level of interest rates , since these affect annuity rates .
24 Where a data user breaches one of the principles , the Registrar can issue an ‘ enforcement notice ’ , specifying the nature of the breach and outlining the measures that will need to be taken in order to correct the breach .
25 That 's something that will need to be financed and it 's something which the Board will need to find the money to do .
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