Example sentences of "that would [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I welcome my hon. Friend 's robust attitude , but is it correct that it is still possible to export calves which end up in crates that would be illegal in this country ?
2 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
3 Other Ministers at other times may have acted differently , but the legislative context is one that would be familiar to all of them .
4 At Cosmeston , however , the people and animals were housed separately and the farmstead has a look that would be familiar to many modern farmers .
5 some defect or deficiency in the site upon which the rebuilding or reinstatement is to take place [ would render the same impossible or would mean that the same could only be undertaken at a cost that would be unreasonable in all the circumstances ]
6 Her enthusiasm did not , however , encompass all the complexities that would be involved in such a project , from researching the fabric to preparing special screens for printing and educating machinists to make up the dresses in a traditional way .
7 We need to be satisfied that the cost and delays that would be involved in such a course are justified both to resolve this matter and to provide the assurance that all the issues have been fully examined .
8 For example , roboticists relying on sequential processing were unable to write programs capable of computing the subtly balanced flexions of shoulder , elbow , and wrist that would be necessary for smooth movement of the robot-arm .
9 Yet the highest of them all , Elbrus , has a route that would be accessible to many a mountaineer with only one of two alpine seasons behind him ; a route that demands no real technical expertise , but an ability to adapt to altitude , and a fair degree of stamina .
10 That it would be out of place to use scientific discoveries in the course of the investigation ought to be clear : if science is optional , it would be improper to use results deriving from that science in justifying it ; and , if scientific results are held , tentatively , at arm 's length anyway , they are not certain beliefs that would be appropriate for philosophical argument .
11 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
12 After all , a plant that was doing badly in the Amazon may well do well elsewhere , or at least contain genes that would be useful in other environments .
13 We are equipped to make mental calculations of risk and odds , within the range of improbabilities that would be useful in human life .
14 This mixture allowed ultraviolet rays from the sun to bathe the earth 's surface with an intensity that would be lethal to modern animal life .
15 In many far off lands the Commission 's gardeners have no knowledge of the English language , while their supervisors are not fluent in the native tongue ; the result has been , so the Commission reports , that a form of hybrid speech has developed in certain countries that would be incomprehensible to other natives of the country and to ordinary English-speakers , but which is ‘ very eloquent ’ on matters relating to cemetery maintenance !
16 To this end , Darwin adduces , most especially , those phenomena that would be anomalous for any exclusive correlation of maturation , fertilization and impressionability with sexual rather than asexual modes of generation .
17 Many patients who thereby benefit from continuation of treatment as a condition of discharge from hospital are able to resume relationships and activities that would be hazardous without such treatment .
18 it seems to me that British manufacturers are missing out on a market that would be welcome by bigger women
19 The chute is a perfect dish hovering a metre or so above the snow and hauling me downwind at a speed that would be unthinkable on Nordic skis .
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