Example sentences of "that there be [det] people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to hear that there are many people in a room , but without vision impossible to count them .
2 There can be little doubt that there are many people in this country who would welcome such a change , as is evidenced by the customers who flock to stores to shop on Sunday when they are given the opportunity to do so ; but it might not be so popular with small retailers who could find it more difficult to open their shops regularly on Sundays to remain competitive with their larger and more powerful rivals .
3 Contempt for the emptiness of the ‘ caring ’ rhetoric of people like Chris Patten and fear of the Euro-enthusiasm of people like Mr Heseltine ( not that there are any people like Mr Heseltine , but there are many high in his party who seem to share his desire to join a United States of Europe ) have welled up , and I have thought like Malvolio : ‘ I 'll be revenged on the whole pack of you . ’
4 ‘ I had been aware , ’ Jaffray says , ‘ that there were more people with potential for ballet than ever considered entering a ballet class . ’
5 Yet personal encounters , first as Cripps 's deputy in the Treasury and later as chancellor of the exchequer , persuaded Gaitskell that there were some people in Washington who appreciated that Britain must be granted some safeguards for her economy .
6 Well , the most serious one , I suppose , is that there were some people in a car driving down the bottom end of Commerical Street and they had their windows broken by stones thrown by Hereford lads .
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