Example sentences of "that we can [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
2 The argument advanced in section 1.2 would suggest that we can not explain or understand these changes in the UK economy without understanding the international forces that have acted upon it and which the UK has itself shaped .
3 Certainly it is true that we can not expect that writers in Palestine thousands of years ago would have talked about sicknesses in the jargon of medical aetiology .
4 Many of us find it difficult to have faith and trust and feel love for someone that we can not see and often feel that we can not hear or get close to .
5 We are ill-equipped to comprehend the very small and the very large ; things whose duration is measured in picoseconds or gigayears ; particles that do n't have position ; forces and fields that we can not see or touch , which we know of only because they affect things that we can see or touch .
6 Many of us find it difficult to have faith and trust and feel love for someone that we can not see and often feel that we can not hear or get close to .
7 Yeah jointly insured for major contingencies and potential legal liabilities , the recent re review however has highlighted that we can only insure our own legal liabilities and that we can not insure or assume responsibility for your prudential legal liabilities
8 They all require us to make sense of the realist thought that it is always possible that , unknown to us , the world differs radically from the way it appears to us , and argue from this that we can not know that the world really is the way it appears to us .
9 The answer is that we can not know or , rather , that there is no simple solution to this problem .
10 The point is that we can not circumnavigate or dispose of these problems by resorting to the familiar logical ploy of treating questions about experiences as if they were simply questions about the logical properties of sentences in which we ordinarily talk about experiences .
11 The Labour party says that we can not argue that a single person should pay less than a family next door with several working adults .
12 I know it is all of you , body and soul … there is nothing dim or mysterious in our love that we can not fathom or understand. , It was a creed she held tenaciously — sometimes blindly — to the end of her life .
13 Where , he asked , do we discover that there is some kind of necessary connection between two events , so that we can confidently affirm that A ‘ causes ’ B ?
14 I do believe , however , we 'll learn things from it that we can quickly adapt and put into the hundred and seventy six M F I stores .
15 He was regarded on both sides of the House not only as charming , but as very honest and courageous , and I think that we can genuinely say that he had friendships on both sides .
16 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
17 The objection involves the feeling or perhaps the conviction that we can never state or explicitly describe such a thing as a causal circumstance is said to be , which is to say that we can not do something like give a complete enumeration of its elements : we can not give particular or individuating descriptions of all of them .
18 It is in virtue of ( 5 ) , ( 7 ) , and ( 8 ) that we can truly say that the circumstance makes happen and explains the effect , and not the other way on .
19 We shall not now make the point that contradictions and tautologies are often socially acceptable ; the important point is that we can only see that there is a contradiction in ( 29 ) because , as users of the language , we know how to interpret the rules of intensional combination , and those rules have not been broken .
20 ‘ It was important to us to prove that we can actually dance and sing , ’ says Howard .
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