Example sentences of "that we have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Peter White , this instability could result as people have been warning in Civil War , that we 've already heard about venturism being er , suggested by the Russian leader Boris Yeltsin it , he might try to change the boundaries of the Soviet Republics .
2 We retain the work that we 've already got with them .
3 And we 've generally been moving already with our big investment that we 've already got in Child Care , let's not forget that , towards this philosophy of that 's enshrined in the Children Act , which is building up parental responsibility and encouraging and supporting parents containing their own children , rather than being forced to give them up .
4 And it , kind of faces both ways , it , it looks back to the early period of the development of Freud 's thought that we 've already spoken about , and its beginnings back in the eighteen nineties , and in certain other respects , it looks forward , to the kind of revolution that was going to occur after World War Two .
5 But we reckon that in actual fact if you erm do n't do the we just dis discount the billing and collection and the pensions conversions and so on that we will actually get some benefits from the , the , the things that we 've already put in place this year , we reckon we can reduce that overspend on that side of it down to about a hundred and eighty two thousand erm because it 's , it 's nominal paper er transactions in a way .
6 the provision of electricity and water to the site , but within the original budget and with the estimates and quotations we 've had , there will be some money available for the erection of a small sign , so perhaps er I propose that we do that within the budget that we 've already established for the purchase of the ground , wh which is within budget at the moment , so if there 's any spare after the provision of electricity and water to the site , suggested .
7 There are other examples of this , and one interesting experiment that we 've just done with birds , was with the gape response in birds .
8 S s so w if we use the same thing that we 've just done on our own house and say how can we stop it from happening , might not get a burglar alarm .
9 Now we may suggest that that 's the effect of the Second World War biasing alright biasing the estimates that we 've just produced from the whole sample .
10 But , I , I 'm not , you know , because thi but compared with the one that we 've just looked at this is small , but it 's still got plenty of impact .
11 ‘ Well , now that we 've both indulged in our little speeches , I think I 'll head back to the house . ’
12 You really feel that we 've really put into it and really done well have n't we ?
13 But I think we need to prove that we 've actually communicated with quite a few people to say that if we do n't hear from you in two months then I 'm afraid the scheme will lapse .
14 that we 've actually talked about training needs as part of the
15 Somewhat cheekily that committee came back to us and asked us very nicely would we provide about twenty five for the force , which we thought was a cheek but having said that we 've actually looked at it and there may well be a way that we could afford it .
16 Bearing in mind that these represent the majority of the large jobs that we 've actually had on hand .
17 how we would accommodate much more with a very tight greenbelt on the erm the sites that we 've actually allocated on our side of Ryedale and take account of greenbelt so .
18 → Well , when I replied to the very first letter criticising Eric 's apparent tonal excesses , I mentioned the differences that we 've all heard between one Marshall , or Boogie , or Strat , or Les Paul from the next .
19 Er for example all of us in this room , if we went to one destination , we 'd probably all come away with a different combination of things that we 'd actually got from it .
20 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
21 The concentration of platelet activating factor in this study ( 1.2 pg/h ) is much lower than that we had previously found in patients suffering from oesophagitis ( 28 pg/h ) , erosive gastritis ( 25 pg/h ) , and duodenal ulcer ( 5 pg/h ) .
22 New friends in London , on the other hand , could n't believe that we had actually volunteered for hardship duty in Britain .
23 I do not think that we have yet succeeded in taking in fully what quantum mechanical non-locality implies about the nature of the world .
24 However , we are as yet unable to provide the complete simulation of electronic publishing that we have successfully organized for print publishing .
25 We feel that we have largely succeeded in these aims , but more of that later , as I would like to take you back to the early nineteenth century when the object of our association was first mooted .
26 There are clearly strong links between the ideal of the rule of law and concepts of natural law , and many of the questions that we have already posed in the latter context could be reiterated here .
27 If the impression created by these furious responses was that garotting ( as in other instances of street violence that we have already encountered in other historical periods ) represented a novel departure in the national character , then elsewhere the garotting panic itself was taken as a sign of temperamental instability .
28 There are hints of one in the story of Rahab and the spies that we have already looked at , hints of an attack mounted on the basis of inside information gathered in that dangerous night of pleasure , or of stealthy entry into the city gained by means of Rahab 's treachery .
29 Further changes were required to the to the office and to the practice generally er we wanted to maximise on the er er o on the benefits that were going to be derived and the qualities and the skills that we have already got in place er and we wanted to move towards market leadership .
30 Your answer will probably be something like this Bearing in mind that we have already allowed for sleeping , eating and formal classes in the full week , the balance represents 4½ working days at 8 hours per day , available for private study .
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