Example sentences of "that she might [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Ngo Van Loc drove them northwards , her thoughts against her will returned constantly to the frenzy of that midnight jungle storm and the gnawing fear that she might not have emerged from her folly unscathed .
2 His hands did n't roam , did n't take liberties that she might not have wanted him to take ; only his head moved , his mouth , as he kissed her first one way , then another ; drew her lower lip , infinitely gently , between his ; sampled the top lip , her tongue ; moved languidly to approach from another direction .
3 When she was younger and thoroughly impatient with her mother she had sometimes entertained a fantasy that Constance would kidnap her and take her away to live with the gipsies : now she felt that she might not have liked it as much as she thought .
4 Once she had taken off her black suit and was lying in bed dressed only in her underclothes and dressing gown , she admitted to herself that she was so tired that she might not have lasted out the afternoon in court without fainting .
5 Beneath the overwhelming memories of physical delight there were fears — a fear that she might not have measured up in some way .
6 He came and went so quickly that she might not have known it was him save for the flash of his yellow cravat under the gas-lamp .
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