Example sentences of "that had [been] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er my job was to er obtain intelligence on er active , known criminals and also to develop intelligence that had been obtained by other officers .
2 A radical alternative to the peneplanation model that had been generated in humid temperate landscapes was pediplanation as conceived and developed by the geologist L.C. King .
3 There were one or two guests that had been invited to both Breasbrough parties .
4 ( b ) In the middle is the song of a chaffinch that had been reared in complete isolation , unable to hear any sounds at all ; it resembles the normal song , but is a crude version of it .
5 When the headmistress , with some guilt , asked her to take over the school 's unpopular Commonwealth Society she rolled up her sleeves and cleaned out the dusty room that had been hung with torn posters depicting ‘ Tea-picking in Ceylon , ‘ Coffee Growing in Kenya , ’ and ‘ Sheep Farming in Australia . ’
6 This placed an unfortunate obstacle in the path of the police who might otherwise , simply on the grounds of suspicion , make a ‘ clean sweep ’ of all known criminals — a policy that had been advocated for some years by Matthew Davenport Hill , the Recorder of Birmingham — as a sure means to guarantee the safety of the streets .
7 My task , after having been subjected to a six months ' course to learn Russian , was to supervise the packing up of the Wilhelmshaven dockyard , and arrange its shipment back to the Soviet Union as part reparation for the enormous damage that had been done to that country by Nazi Germany .
8 The Platform began by acknowledging the damage that had been done to national relations by the repression of the Stalinist years and by later attempts to accelerate convergence on the basis of an allegedly full and final resolution of the national question .
9 They put their trust in a military solution to right the wrong that had been done in 1688 , and looked to France for help .
10 Indeed , after the lord pope had heard sufficient arguments from both parties , he decreed with the authority of the apostolic see that the same archbishop should demolish the church at his own expense , revoking completely everything that had been done in this matter .
11 Like Jane Austen , he is also well aware of the social divide that had been created by such villages , for he observes that ‘ the possessors of extensive parks abhorred the appearance of a human habitation , however humble or however distant ; and the first object of a new settler , of the rank of a gentleman , was , generally , to purchase everything around him ; and to seclude himself in a sort of artificial forest , for his own exclusive enjoyment and that of his friends ’ .
12 By retaining the other elements of the plan of this block , the main entrance that had been created in 1959 could be maintained as the ‘ front door ’ with the bathroom/WC being reached from the adjacent entrance hall ( Fig 48 ) .
13 Um she looked for um she looked at er a survey of two thousand odd adults that had been conducted in this country .
14 P cepacia was not recovered from the external surface of the spirometer handpiece , or from the arms of a wooden chair that had been grasped by each patient during spirometry .
15 Yes , erm very , very quickly , erm I notice that the swimming pool and river bathing visits had more than doubled , I just wondered what the cause of that was , and whether in fact it was mainly related to the swimming pools or to the river bathing bit erm places , and the second one is , regarding the noise , I notice that it has shot up , the number of visits to seven twenty one , but in fact , the prosecution 's only gone up to one , and I wondered if Mr Fenn could tell us whether in fact because of the higher profile that had been given to this erm activity , due to its possible cut , whether in fact more people are aware of it and there were more
16 She did not want to pretend pleasure at being here and she did not want to witness even more proof of the life that had been led in this house , all of it with her father .
17 What was it that had been condemned to this total destruction ?
18 The consultative document published in 1987 followed the principle that had been acknowledged for some time , drawing a distinction between essential items which were to remain free , and desirable but not essential items for which charges could be made , a distinction not in practice very easy to make .
19 The question that then needed to be answered was whether the dd fusion was being induced by collisions within the hot plasma — ‘ thermonuclear ’ fusion — or from some other non-thermonuclear processes such as collisions between deuterons that had been accelerated to high energies during the initial pulse of current and other deuterons of comparatively low energies .
20 It is claimed that no society can maintain high fertility in the face of two generations of mass education , and that had been achieved in much of Western Europe by the end of the nineteenth century ( Caldwell 1982 ) .
21 So on March 26th Saudi Arabia signalled Iran 's return to international respectability by resuming the diplomatic relations that had been broken in 1987 after an appalling incident at Mecca when 400 pilgrims , most of them Iranian , were killed .
22 David Pannick , QC , for Continental , told the judge the case raised a matter of general public importance concerning the powers of a Secretary of State to restrict reception of satellite broadcasting programmes that had been transmitted from other European Community member states .
23 And also er letters that had been sent from head office .
24 On a shelf was a pebble that had been polished by running water ; it was ovoid , a piece of granite about big enough to hold in a clenched fist ; a seam of quartz halved it on the diagonal .
25 Recent bootprints were marked in the thin coating of green sandy soil that had been blown by gentle breezes over the buildings .
26 Her Majesty has honoured the Works by visiting it on three occasions , the first on 11 March 1948 as Princess Elizabeth , when she toured the Works and inspected the two new saloons that had been converted from two ex-Chairman 's Saloons ( built Wolverton 1942 ) for the personal use of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh .
27 Whether the production work sharing is something that is still to be decided er at the start of that phase but on the equipment , we were er originally entitled to thirty three percent of the common equipment er when we last gave evidence to the committee the U K work share for equipment stood at some thirty six percent of those that had been selected at that time .
28 Victorian market towns tend to be regarded — if they are thought of at all — as slumbering relics of the past , places of little account that had been relegated to minor status by the new industrial cities .
29 But there had been unsuccessful sides in the past that had been packed with outstanding individuals who had not coalesced , or been moulded , into a good team .
30 No degranulation was noted in either transection or resection animals that had been treated with CR-1409 , but incipient vacuolation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum was a feature of all CR-1409 treated tissues as well as those of the PSBR group ( Fig 8 ) .
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