Example sentences of "that he [was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only that he were hiding in the garden . ’
2 Some thought that he had been paid to attack the Visigoths by Gaiseric , king of the Vandals , who were now settled in North Africa ; others that he was making good a claim to be the husband of princess Honoria , daughter of Valentinian III , or that he was intervening in a dispute over the succession to the kingship of the Franks .
3 It was at Brives-la-Gaillarde that he was elevated to the kingship , and it was from the cities of Aquitaine that he received the oaths of loyalty , which most kings must have taken by proxy .
4 Once I was able to escape from my orange box and ferret around among the other barrows , I quickly discovered that he was reckoned by the locals to be the finest trader in the East End .
5 His tongue flicked out to caress her nipple , which was throbbing painfully , and with one anguished movement she pressed his mouth further down so that he was sucking on the rosy tip .
6 Frederica kissed him too , reflecting that he was dressed like a man who smelled dirty , but in fact did n't .
7 ‘ The fact that he was stabbed in the back by a child really hurt us . ’
8 Does not President Christiani of El Salvador deserve widespread support , bearing in mind the fact that he was elected by the people of that country and that he has to cope with the violence of unruly military officers and also the murderous activities of the Farabundi Marti Front for the Liberation of the Nation ?
9 Cabezón wrote such versos or versillos and it has been suggested that he was stimulated by the example of Arnolt Schlick ( see p.184 ) who also composed what one might call suites of versets , notably those on ‘ Da pacem Domine ’ in the first part of his Tabulaturen ( 1512 ) , without the choral alternation .
10 The judge 's failure to apply the correct test in this respect was compounded by the fact that he was deprived of the material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion because of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the foster mother 's application for leave under rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 .
11 At his press conference this morning , Professor Glennerster said that , when he started his investigation , he was sceptical , but that he was converted by the evidence of his own eyes , and what he had seen and heard .
12 At first instance the judge , in refusing the injunction , decided that he was bound by the decision in Lyne-Pirkis v Jones and the plaintiff appealed .
13 I would regard the recipient as carrying a heavy burden if he seeks to repel a contention that he was bound by an obligation of confidence .
14 Charles E. ( Buddy ) Roemer , the Governor of Louisiana , announced on March 11 that he was defecting from the Democratic to the Republican Party .
15 In January 1988 Leeds crown court excluded statements by the accused with the result that he was acquitted of the murder of a police sergeant and the attempted murder of a constable .
16 O'Hara 's landlady called up the stairs that he was wanted on the telephone .
17 At two o'clock he was called , and told that he was wanted on the telephone .
18 ‘ Where is it , Watson ? ’ he whispered , and I could see that he was shaken by the scream .
19 The manager of the Ljubljana branch of the Belgrade Bank has revealed that he was asked by a high official of the National Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina to purchase 3 billion dinars of Agrokomerc bills of exchange ( Politika , 27 August 1987 ) .
20 But that would 've tied in again with , with the beginning because what is affordable erm would he get the benefits that he was wanting at the end of it .
21 Mr. Thorpe had available to him a quicker way to secure the referral that he was seeking to the unit in Birmingham , so the process was not finally concluded in north Devon .
22 Oswiu 's appointment of Chad to York suggests that he was moving towards a re-affirmation of his authority in the whole northern Church , not least in Deira .
23 And he had the strange feeling that he was moving in a dream .
24 He insisted , and appeared to believe , that he was loved by the people and was simply the victim of a coup .
25 He had been so badly injured that he was moved to the prison hospital , where I visited him every day .
26 The fact was that he was soured by a murder case with no body , by family enmity amounting to hatred , by a surfeit of gossip and a veneer of superstition which was much more than half pretence .
27 A few years later , that sum was awarded to Robert Maxwell for the false suggestion that he was angling for a peerage , while ten times that amount was lavished on Jeffrey Archer in revenge for the suggestion that he had received a sexual favour from a prostitute he had admitted to paying to leave the country .
28 She smiled at him , aware that he was angling for an invitation .
29 God only knew how he had tried to replace her in his thoughts and in his heart — striking relationships with one woman after another , lurching from one crisis to the next , building his business with her in mind … driving himself like a man demented and amassing a fortune , yet knowing all the time that he was striving for the impossible .
30 Omar learnt that he was related to the Sultan , and we hoped that we might persuade him to provide us with a guide to Aussa .
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