Example sentences of "that he [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NOW that Tony Bland has died , we pray that he may rest in peace , and that his parents and family may be able to grieve in private for him .
2 For Tony , that he may rest in peace , and for his family for their strengthening and peace .
3 Owen , feeling at last that he ought to retire from contra matters — — but remembering what he had sworn ‘ on the altar of God ’ — hoped that he might still be of use to North ‘ against another group of Godless communists . ’
4 It was agreed that he might return to work from the hospital when he felt better able to cope .
5 During the war , his entourage was frequently scandalised by his affairs with Frenchwomen in occupied France , and when , in 1923 , he was secretly smuggled back to Germany from exile in Holland , his friends hustled him through breakfast out of fear that he might fall in love with some hotel chambermaid and thus jeopardise the whole plot .
6 In the first place , she did not plan to kill Fenna , although she recognised that he might die of grief or loneliness .
7 But once , to test this , when I offered him a smoky bacon crisp and said , as he crunched greedily into it , ‘ I did n't know you liked smoky bacon , ’ he sprinted into the bathroom and washed out his mouth with soap , screaming from his frothing lips that he would burn in hell . )
8 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
9 Nigel assumed that he would lay on dinner .
10 But what she hoped was that he would return before breakfast so that he would find her here , crouched lonely and exhausted on the top stair , waiting for him , frightened because he had left her alone .
11 The sudden and catastrophic nature of the French defeat at Poitiers placed Edward in a powerful negotiating position , but in no way removed the difficulties that he would face in financing and sustaining the campaigns that would be necessary if negotiations with the French broke down .
12 Announcing his forthcoming retirement in 1988 , he had made it clear that he would remain on hand to step in if necessary .
13 The South Korean news agency Yonhap on Oct. 19 reported Kim as saying during the visit that he would remain in power for four to five more years .
14 He claimed at the Tory Conference , in a phrase that he must by now be sick of hearing thrown back at him , that he would intervene before breakfast , lunch and dinner .
15 Odinga ridiculed the attempt and maintained that he would continue as chairman .
16 Jugnauth then announced that he would continue in office , as head of a minority government depending on external support from the MMM .
17 A week before it was due , Mamaloni resigned as leader of PAP and announced that he would continue in office as the head of a government of national unity .
18 This recommendation was in apparent contradiction to an interview given by Saddam Hussein broadcast on French television on July 9 , in which he stated that he hoped that the first free and democratic presidential elections in the country 's history would take place later in the year and that he would stand for re-election alongside other candidates .
19 At a rally in Madrid 's main bullring to celebrate the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) 's 10 years in power , Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez confirmed on Oct. 25 that he would stand for re-election for a fourth term .
20 He was offered constituencies ; it was taken for granted that he would stand for Parliament in the first post-war elections .
21 Justin Metsing Lekhanya , the Chairman of the Military Council , formally removed executive and legislative powers from the King [ see p. 37238 ] , and announced that he would rule in conjunction with the Military Council .
22 As soon as Jacob arrived here , I knew that he would fall in love with her , just like all the others .
23 In the end all the things I was most frightened of — that we would let my father down , that he would lose control , that he would die in agony — did not come to pass .
24 The Shah acknowledged to Hollingworth that he had perhaps become too remote from his people and that is courtiers had not always reported adverse criticisms to him , And he said that although he had earlier hoped that his stay abroad would be brief , he knew now that he would die in exile .
25 He thought that the Robemaker was waiting for him to do so ; perhaps somehow to indicate that he would ask for mercy , but he had done nothing .
26 After fifteen months Edward left St. Paul 's on the tacit understanding that he would read at home for the competitive administration examinations of the Civil Service .
27 He announced that he would resign as Minister of Foreign Economic Relations in the new government .
28 On July 27 David Coleridge announced that he would resign as chair of Lloyd 's at the end of 1992 .
29 He had let it be known that he would resign as faction leader and as a member of the Diet if he was publicly prosecuted in connection with the Sagawa Kyubin scandal .
30 Labour 's defeat led Neil Kinnock on April 13 to announce that he would resign as party leader as soon as practicable ; Roy Hattersley would also stand down as deputy leader .
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