Example sentences of "that you 've [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 erm Professor Ron Dore is going to talk a bit about when education should stop and I suspect will be saying some of the things that you 've already hinted at , and then later on Professor Colin Lacey will be talking about some aspects of teachers and teaching and training of teachers , and I suspect he will have something to say about mobility of teachers and careers of teachers as , as well .
2 So if you could precis or select from the text that you 've already prepared for the annual report , something that will go in there that says why your functions are
3 As you march stiffly to the bar , still clutching your medal and foil blanket , do ensure that you 've already drunk at least four to six pints of non-alcoholic fluids and consumed the equivalent of a square meal .
4 shall we just look at one or two erm documents that you 've already looked at please , would you go to page twenty nine , just the illustration that seen and this is the I 'm not sure whether a point is going to be made about this or not , but if you look at page thirty one there there 's a golf club on the left and a man fishing on the right
5 I mean you , you 're not gon na go out and spend eighty quid on groceries that you 've already had on Friday just cos the shop 's open on Sunday are you ?
6 So after your walk , let the Japanese Ambassador know that you 've just walked for the whales — and why .
7 Who makes the kitchen fol , that you 've probably got in your kitchen .
8 You 'll probably find that there are some bits that you 've almost forgotten about already , but other bits are still quite fresh in your mind .
9 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
10 So that 's that 's something that you 've never done before an equation you 've st perhaps never even heard of calcium sulphate .
11 ‘ First you try to kill yourself by running off into a blizzard , and now you risk life and limb because you ca n't even bring yourself to admit to me that you 've never skied in your life before . ’
12 ’ People still come up to me on the streets all the time and ask the most personal kind of questions that you 've ever heard in your life , like , ’ How could you do such-and such on screen ? '
13 Walking into a club these days , it 's easy to get the feeling that you 've accidentally come across the local Hell 's Angels chapter double booked with a Skin 2 party .
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