Example sentences of "that it be [pron] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 But there is a way , you can manage you can do it and the important thing is that it 's your body that 's doing it , that your body that 's keeping the exercise going , so that when the actual pain disappears , when you 've got rid of the acid , your joints still work and your muscles are still good .
2 And do we understand from your reference , that it 's your policy that armed officers should do that job and then get home , get out of the way and relax a bit ?
3 Let me say finally , that it 's my intention that we should all starve together , or all survive together . "
4 They are now mothers with the responsibility for a child , and some of them would maintain that it is their baby that has given them the determination to do something more with their lives , however hard this may be .
5 Although this is both extensive and varied by the standards of most of the human sciences , though perhaps not of history , what it illustrates is the difficulty of specifying what is to count as data beyond saying that it is whatever material that researchers need to work with in order to pursue their inquiries .
6 He feels that he is trusted , respected as an individual , treated as one and rewarded as one , and that it is his individuality that is needed : his individual contribution , rather than conformity to some sort of ideal ‘ company man ’ .
7 I wish that I could say that it is my experience that Christians are above this sort of thing , but it is not .
8 On a number of occasions you have said that it is your belief that any initiatives being announced by the Government by way of statement are best announced to the House .
9 Erm first of all Chairman I would confirm that it is our view that with a provision of six thousand five hundred for Harrogate district , we do n't think we 'd be looking at a new settlement to serve our needs , erm , having said that , we support the Greater York strategy , and we we certainly the level of provision erm for Greater York as proposed by the County Council , er but leaving aside for one moment the issue of a new settlement , it is our view that we 'll be able to accommodate the level of growth that I think is anticipated in our district , erm , within the figures , and I 'm referring specifically to N Y one , and the table on the last page where there 's an indication there of the sort of of er housing numbers that would would have to be accommodated within Harrogate district , and and our part of Greater York is essentially a rural character consisting of a a number of small villages , so there there we have er a total figure of two hundred dwellings to be provided within our part of Greater York , that basically represents erm existing commitments and a a yield from small sites in the future , perhaps conversions , and we'r we 're quite happy with that .
10 That he could do this without awakening the slightest resentment ill the boys was a sign that they recognised that it was their work that mattered to Basil , and in no way his self-importance , which , to a quite remarkable degree he did not have .
11 Her mother had once remarked that it was her opinion that Harry had actually caused Nathan 's idiocy in a fit of temper soon after he was born , and through whispered gossip over the years she had guessed that Tristram had become the focus of conflict between his parents and that he had found it increasingly necessary to defend both Nathan and his mother against his father 's violent outbursts of temper .
12 On the death of her father in 1866 she suffered physical and mental breakdown , confiding in a letter that it was her religion that held her up .
13 And he obviously did n't know and it was n't public knowledge that it was his wife that was
14 He had informed his silent audience of the death — just ‘ death ’ — of Dr Kemp ; explained that in order to establish the , er , totality of events , it would be necessary for everyone to complete a little questionnaire ( duly distributed ) , sign and date it , and hand it in to Sergeant Lewis ; that the departure of the coach would have to be postponed until late afternoon , perhaps , with lunch by courtesy of The Randolph ; that Mr Cedric Downes had volunteered to fix something up for that morning , from about 10.45 to 12.15 ; that ( in Morse 's opinion ) activity was a splendid antidote to adversity , and that it was his hope that all the group would avail themselves of Mr Downes 's kind offer ; that if they could all think back to the previous day 's events and try to recall anything , however seemingly insignificant , that might have appeared unusual , surprising , out-of-character — well , that was often just the sort of thing that got criminal cases solved .
15 She was working with a variety group and we laughed together when Sir Henry , who had still a lot of influence , let it be known that it was his wish that Miss Anne Zeigler married Mr Webster Booth .
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