Example sentences of "that it [vb past] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of kicking the ball high so that it splashed down into a lake and bounced backwards , as Going did on that ludicrous day , the Australians and New Zealanders took advantage of the wide open spaces in sevens and kicked long , flat balls which stopped dead in the water .
2 The cloth on the table was so stiffly starched that it stuck out at the corners .
3 In addition to confirming Tanabe 's election , the extraordinary party conference confirmed its new leader 's policy review , but did so only after altering its substance to such an extent that it contained little in the way of significant policy shifts .
4 And the suggestion to this Committee was that it looked , that it looked further at the five hundred thousand pounds guideline that 's been set to address the apparent shortfall on community care funding , and also that you should look at further service reductions and their implications erm , of reductions of a further two hundred and fifty thousand , and those are again picked up later in the paper .
5 The suit emulated the movement that Ace had made , twisting slowly in space and freeing the air line so that it ran straight from the suit into the shuttle 's open cargo hatch .
6 Unfortunately the material at the tide-line was so sloppy that it ran out of the probe and no cores were brought home .
7 In their evidence to the Redcliffe-Maud Commission , the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ( MHLG ) ( as it then was ) argued that it led neither to an improved speed nor to a better quality of development control : the advantages which flowed from delegating some of the work load to district councils were offset by the shortage of qualified planning staff in most district offices , by the limited range of problems which arose within any one area , by the difficulties caused by the natural inclination of district councils to take a ‘ narrow view ’ , and by the extra administrative complications that limited delegation usually entailed .
8 It seemed a near miracle that it got off to a relatively smooth start , politically speaking , in 1921–2 .
9 Even if the convert claims to have had a dream or religious experience , it is likely ( although perhaps not inevitable ) that it fitted in with a world-view with which he was previously acquainted ( through either the written or the spoken word ) , or else , that his experience will be interpreted by a believer in his new world-view .
10 Erm , and then we get requests for things from the leader of the Council directly , that he wants us to respond to , the chair of that committee to erm will , will do the same thing , we 'll get requests from other departments relating to our work , some of which might of been you , we erm , the Council has a group for the finance advisory group , which is a small group of Councillor 's and officer 's that meet to discuss not in , in public session , key erm financial and other major policy erm issues that , and the reason why that group was set up , erm was that it felt like with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Local Government Housing and Finance Tax , that it needed outside the committee cycle to erm review the impact of those legislation to look at it 's finances more closely and what , and we as a policy team report into that group and get request from work from that group as well .
11 This was toast which was held on a toasting fork and was pressed against the bars so that the bread was scorched , it was then quickly turned ninety degrees so that it finished up with a grid pattern rather like a leaded window .
12 The snow had drifted at one end , at the beck of the wind , so that it reached almost to the eaves of the roof .
13 Commending the Criminal Justice Bill to Parliament in 1947 the Home Secretary , Chuter Ede , said that it followed closely on the lines of a Bill which had been before the House of Commons in the session 1938/9 .
14 The question always is whether the defamation is of the class itself ( in which case no action arises ) or whether ordinary readers would believe that it reflected directly on the individual plaintiff .
15 Elvis 's huge ballad repertoire needs little commentary here , save to stress that it began not with the move to RCA but at Sun , ‘ Love Me Tender ’ ( 1956 ) and ‘ That 's When Your Heartaches Begin' ( 1957 ) being preceded by equally sentimental ballads cut for Sam Phillips ; indeed , it began earlier — when , as a boy , Elvis was entered for a talent contest at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair , it was the sentimental country and western number ‘ Old Shep ’ that he sang .
16 Most of the other metopes are fragmentary , and it is hard to say if they carry out this distinction , though the little that remains of the lion suggests that it went well with the other western ones .
17 But it was a universal grant , which meant that it went equally to the millionaire 's widow and to the widow who had very little .
18 Our first Members ' Evening was held at the Community College on Friday 1st March 1991 and its success can be judged by the fact that it went on until the Social Secretary literally had to call a halt at 11.15 p.m. !
19 defendant with handicap of 24 hit ball with toe of his golf club , so that it went off at an angle of 30 degrees .
20 The ingenuity of it was that it operated exactly like a Jacquard loom , which is a loom for weaving tapestries without human control no matter how intricate or varied the design .
21 It seems possible that it operated fitfully until the spring of 1911 .
22 When I published this group , with an enormous amount of help from Philip Corder ( Webster , 1947 ) , I was confident that it fell well into the fourth century .
23 Christopher 's outstretched right hand was running slowly through her hair , touching her head at the roots and pulling the hair outwards so that it fell back like a fan .
24 ‘ Look , Jamie , see this ! ’ she said , and she began to wind the wool so fast that it tangled up in a big knot and the ball bounced right out of her hand and rolled underneath Grandma 's chair .
25 There was always a pause , in the pit , some law , that it levelled out before the spew .
26 It had a small receptive field that was somewhat elongated vertically , and on examination with elongated stimuli it became clear that it responded well to a vertical bar but not at all to a horizontal bar .
27 And so it might , provided it was only a passing mention and that it contributed properly to the pattern of the book .
28 I actually understood what the Hon. and learned Gentleman said , which is unusual , although I do not think that it contributed much to the debate .
29 I want you , I want to make love to you again , ’ he said thickly , tugging her hair from its unruly topknot , so that it spread out on the pillows in a golden cloud , stroking slow , drugging caresses the length of her spread body .
30 The worst part about it was that it stopped right in the line of flight of some bees who were working the field of clover .
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