Example sentences of "that it [be] [adj] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Except that it 's easy to be indifferent to money when you 've never been short of it . ’
2 And , of course , you and Mr Sheldrake are so close to each other that it 's ridiculous to be in opposition .
3 ‘ You do n't seem to believe that it 's possible to be a rogue and a good man at the same time . ’
4 Sibling rows can be beneficial because they show that it 's possible to be angry with someone you love , but there 's a vital difference between that sort of infighting and the division that favouritism can cause .
5 It 's also given us the new agreement on working time which our own government have tried to work against consistently for the last two years , they now say they 'll challenge it in Europe 's Court of Justice , well what they seem to forget is it 's got ta come back to Parliament for a second reading yet and they 've created such ill feeling in the Parliament and among the Commission , that it 's likely to be strengthened , we 're gon na end up with a strengthened agreement on working time by the autumn of this year .
6 So what difference will the fact that it 's likely to be phased out , make to farmers in Britain .
7 send it down to use yourself , but to be able to carry that through and to , to go on to , to be sincere , and I respect that it 's important to be sincere .
8 You tell me that it 's wrong to be happy .
9 The greatest relief about this particular World Cup , though , is that it 's unlikely to be overwhelmed by the media overkill that now inflicts virtually every major sporting event .
10 An overwhelming 95% of the mothers surveyed believe that it is up to each mother to decide to work or not , and 91% believe that it 's fine to be a working mother as long as the job fits in with their family commitments .
11 Think about this carefully and you realise that it is essential to be conscious of the clubhead throughout the swing .
12 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
13 We have found that it is good to be factual and helpful on these occasions and that always one or two who live opposite , or round the corner or who know the building have been drawn in .
14 He says that it is good to be home again .
15 Discussing the patient 's ‘ auditory environment ’ Gough ( 1986 ) provides vignettes showing how noise means different things to different people and reminds nurses that it is possible to be upset by silence , for example a child in an isolation unit — a salutary reminder of the importance of individualising nursing according to the circumstances .
16 Whether the Ephesian disciples were Christians or not before Paul 's arrival — and the development of the story suggests that he finds they were not — Paul 's initial question still assumes that it is possible to be a believer in Jesus without receiving fully the Holy Spirit .
17 Girke 's paintings have a similar quality , and this is what I want to show : that it is possible to be reductive and constructive but also emotional ’ .
18 Allowing for the utmost frankness and lack of embarrassment possible with the individual client , it might be pointed out that it is possible to be too bright and breezy .
19 " Alarmist and badly educated people " , he wrote , " do not understand that it is possible to be an outright enemy of the entire contemporary order without being a liberal " .
20 As such , it is alleged that it is appropriate to be dealt with on the basis of qualified majority voting .
21 The second major innovation incorporated in the GCSE is that it is supposed to be marked by ‘ criteria reference ’ rather than ‘ norm reference ’ .
22 The fact that , for Moore , the value of a thing follows necessarily from its intrinsic nature , from what it is like , makes it a little misleading to say , as is often done , that it is supposed to be always an open question whether something characterised in terms of its natural , or metaphysical , properties is good or not , and that this is his chief reason for regarding good as indefinable .
23 This is why the idea of the ‘ educational toy ’ is so fraught with difficulty : the trick is never to let on that it is supposed to be educational , in case you transmit your own anxieties .
24 This at least can not be true , that it is proper to be the cause of avoidable ill … this at least is dogma .
25 Moreover , just like racism and sexism , it is so engrained within the structure of social life that it is unlikely to be challenged effectively by rational argument or appeals to the more philanthropic side of human nature .
26 Sometimes the consultant feels that there is so much ambiguity regarding the appointment that it is unlikely to be successful as presently structured .
27 It says that it is unlikely to be built New Mexico and that California , where the costs of living and doing business are extremely high , had a strong expense disadvantage .
28 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
29 A major firm has probably sunk cost in such a way that it is unlikely to be successfully challenged by an entrant .
30 Another possibility is that ischaemia progresses to ulceration so rapidly that it is unlikely to be observed in isolation .
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