Example sentences of "that i be [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know how much sense it makes to say that I am tiring of Tod 's company .
2 May I first say that I am sorry in fact that local authorities and police authorities are being separated in the way clause two proposes .
3 ‘ It is surprising , ’ says Sedgefield 's ebullient Conservative candidate , Mr Nick Jopling , ‘ that I am interested in politics at all , never mind standing for election . ’
4 Not that I am afraid of sprigs and shades ; I like the detail , the city smells .
5 You have a reputation of not letting go of a thing once you have started and you would be delighted to discover that I am responsible for Ana 's blindness .
6 ‘ Not that I 'm nervous about flying , but a quick gin and tonic always goes down rather well ! ’
7 Not that I 'm keen on neeps !
8 It 's this allocation that I 'm responsible for administration , as Visual Arts Officer , with the assistance of an unpaid advisory panel of specialists , and subject to the approval of an Executive Committee which represents the public we exist to serve .
9 I just want a clearance note off a doctor just to say that I 'm fit for work . ’
10 She and Mother were the best of friends , and she knew that I was daft over dollies and wanted one so badly .
11 Before that I was involved in women 's groups in Ireland and since I 've come here I 've been involved in the Women in Ireland group in London .
12 She would then speak as if talking to herself , but what she said was aimed at me and usually struck to the core of my being , so that I was stunned into silence
13 ‘ The main trouble was that I was sick with worry before tests and my feet froze on the pedals , ’ she said .
14 " When I began the WNAS diet I was asked to cut out bread , biscuits and cakes as well as cutting down on dairy products and sugar , I found that I was sensitive to wheat .
15 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
16 It was the therapy that gave me the strength to leave my girlfriend because through it I established the fact that I was prone to passivity , always waiting for other people to call the shots .
17 ‘ You can check with whoever you like but I was totally exonerated of any blame at the time , and I resent you and your family 's implications that I was responsible for Eddie 's death !
18 Despite the fact that I was petrified with fear , I was st ill their leader .
19 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
20 He said that it would be senseless telling me things that I was incapable of understanding .
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