Example sentences of "that the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the above example , the ‘ cost , insurance , and freight ’ or ‘ CIF ’ stipulation was made possible by the likelihood that the Belgian bill of lading would arrive in Marseilles by land before the goods would arrive by sea .
2 From his diaries it is evident that the sheer mass of work he achieved was remarkable .
3 In any case one may well think that the sheer effort of dotting ‘ i's and crossing ‘ t's was draining .
4 As with gratuitous elaboration of character or place , it is not the case that the rhetorical ornamentation of text , or emphasis of passages of text , is generally absent ; rather that these are used sparingly and therefore to particular effect .
5 Ernest Corrado , president of the American Institute of Merchant Shipping , claimed that the tighter embargo on shipping was " insane " and that Bush was interfering with trade and inviting retaliation around the world .
6 Those calculations also show that the overnight decay of NO 2 at Arrival Heights agrees best with the model when the effect of background aerosols is included .
7 But in any case it follows that the necessary prerequisite for ordination is the presence of a baptized human being ( not a monkey — in that God in Christ took on humanity ) .
8 It must be stressed that the necessary level of fulfilment to encourage conformity is relative , not absolute .
9 They claim that the private ownership of capital provides the key to explaining class divisions .
10 May I also say on behalf of my party that the personal code of conduct of the Secretary of State is an example to us all ?
11 The best I could do would be to say ‘ I like peaches better ’ , but quite apart from the logical objection to deriving ‘ Choose the peach ’ from this psychological statement , reliance on a generalization about my preference could get me into a habit which would dim my awareness of the tastes , until I fail to notice that I no longer like peaches as much as I did , or that at this moment I hanker after a pear , so that the abortive try at rationalization would make my choice less intelligent .
12 Kennan believed that it was necessary to permit the Japanese greater freedom and that the interventionist role of SCAP should be reduced .
13 The arbitrator stated that the elderly couple in question had been sold an unsuitable product and had not been given adequate risk warnings .
14 The Periodic Table reveals that the ancient magic of transmutation and alembics persisted in Levi 's laboratory .
15 We can not contain it and still expect that the wider health of freedom of expression may be unaffected .
16 Nevertheless technology now provides the possibility of allocating high energy and repetitive work to machines so that the typical man at work is in a supervising rather than an operating mode .
17 it will be henceforth assumed that the typical unit of lexicology is the word ( this statement is so obvious as to have an air of tautology ) .
18 Each part is so busy with different rhythmic movements that the simple directness of homophony is lost .
19 At a time when BBC Scotland and independent programme-makers are making important strides forward in breadth and quality of production , it is vital that the critical mass of human and technical resources is enhanced and that control of those resources remains firmly within Scotland .
20 In terms of starkly original insights , the answer is certainly ‘ no ’ , but I hope that the critical review of non-accounting , non-economic literature offered here will help those involved in finance and accounting to gain an overview of theories related to investment and strategic decisions in organizational life without extensive study of all the disciplines mentioned .
21 It has expressed the view that the increased sophistication of stockmarket capitalisation throughout the Community will lead to growth in takeover activity and that the liberalisation of capital movements throughout the EC will further encourage the inter-action of national capital markets , thus giving companies easier access to finance for takeover activities .
22 We must recognise that it will have to be the consumer who pays , and it is up to animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA to ensure that the increased price for food will be seen to be acceptable because of an improvement both in animal welfare and environmental protection .
23 ‘ Now , Trevor , ’ Derek Carlisle confronted his colleague , ‘ we know that the President of the World faced a demand for higher salaries from our research workers ; that unless he came up with some incentive we would lose the best of those workers ; and that the increased contribution towards marioc manufacture would compete directly for Exchequer funds .
24 It may be , firstly , that the increased output of manufacturing is yielding marked increases in what industrial workers ( though fewer in number ) spend in the service sector , and so supporting more jobs there .
25 The organization 's behaviour would appear to be explained by an expectation that the increased demand for output which had led it to bring In temporary workers would , In fact , be sustained .
26 This may either be because of ‘ backsliding ’ — a reversion to a previous state of interlanguage — or it may be that the increased transferability of knowledge , which must to some degree involve analysis , calls for the recurrent dismantling and reassembling of linguistic forms which the learner may have internalized as complete formulaic units .
27 Hopes that the increased use of aluminium in motor cars to meet new mileage standards required by clean-air legislation in 1990 would encourage greater demand , failed to materialise amidst fears of recession in the car industry following the outbreak in August 1990 of the Gulf crisis .
28 Nevertheless , we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps .
29 This study also indicates that the increased concentration of gastrin in H pylori infection is the result of an increase in one of the main biologically active forms of the hormone .
30 Some Japanese businessmen will concede , at least in private , that the post-1945 system of lifetime employment in large companies can not survive .
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