Example sentences of "that we [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm in so that it 's our fault really that we ca n't give work to our our er people .
2 Jason and I made a pact that we would n't discuss hairdressing at home unless we had to and we think that is even more important now that we have the baby .
3 Well , it would be between the County Council and the College , I mean I , I ca n't envisage the situation that we would actually serve notice on the , on the College to leave the site and therefore trigger that part of the agreement .
4 Headquarters who 'd decreed that we would only get work by
5 My brother and I used to have a joke — we saw how hard our father worked — that we would only consider medicine if we could become specialists in venereal diseases , because we would never have to get up in the middle of the night and we would never be out of work .
6 I tell Opposition Members that we shall not give way ; we shall retain control over public spending .
7 The hon. Gentleman is unfair to claim that we have said that we shall not take action .
8 ‘ The golden rule of conduct , therefore , is mutual toleration seeing that we will never all think alike and that we shall always see Truth in fragment ( sic ) and from different angles of vision ’ .
9 Does this mean that we shall always have alcoholism in our society ?
10 There is a parallel between East and West a slippery slope that we dare not set foot on .
11 But we 'll all be so busy reading all this wonderful stuff , and learning from the big bad world about how to market it , that we wo n't have time to do anything else . ’
12 Which brings me to the point that we must not lose sight of the fact that in rugby terms we are not world champions .
13 But there is no getting away from the fact that we must still use water wisely . ’
14 What Barry says is simply this that suppose we accept the point that authority structures are now necessary , that we could n't have anarchy we have to have
15 My dad always used to say that we could not afford lunch , although , I have to say , this did not stop him eating it .
16 I wonder who first decided that we should n't eat mustard with lamb ?
17 This , it turned out , was ‘ that we should n't have intercourse until we 're engaged ’ .
18 Editor , — J R F Gladman makes the reasonable point , following my observations in West Cumbria , that we should not underestimate asthma in elderly people .
19 The new philosophy said that we should not make value judgements : you ca n't think in an Aristotelian way ; no value judgements , no good and bad .
20 Adam Smith 's famous dictum that we should not subsidise grape production in Scotland , does not extend to subsidising wine imports at the expense of the ‘ wine of the country ’ .
21 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
22 Does my hon. Friend agree that we should also pay tribute to Friends of the Earth which , when I was a Minister at the Department of Transport , suggested that it would be sensible for the Minister with responsibility for roads to go to the Netherlands with some civil servants to see how traffic calming works there .
23 ‘ As long as you are n't arguing that we should deliberately suppress knowledge or reject scientific progress just because the discoveries can be abused .
24 I went through these areas that I wanted to work in and I argued with Jeremy that we had n't allowed for ‘ things visual ’ , that we had a visual medium , that Britain was profoundly under-educated visually , so that we should actually use television for visual education and he fell for this .
25 The second thing is that erm with regard to future pro projects , Regional Railways have decreed , that we will only get work through competitive tender .
26 Regional Railways North East Investment have decreed that we will only get work
27 Branches should avoid merely asking the insured to obtain estimate(s) or quotation(s) unless the type of claim or the remoteness of the location means that we can not make use of our own local or national arrangements with traders .
28 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
29 However , although literature in general and certain works in particular would seem to support Derrida 's claims about the principle of différance in language , the very nature of those claims means that we can not regard literature as being a special kind or use of language .
30 The first is that we can not offer employment , as an LEA can if it decides , as ILEA and Havering have done , for instance , to recruit directly abroad .
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