Example sentences of "that she did [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Ashley asked , speaking softly so that she did not disturb him .
2 How could one not admire a woman so clear as to her needs that she did not care whose flesh she carved her way through , who did not care whose sleep she shattered in the small hours of the dawn ?
3 The answer is that she did not tell us .
4 Even though Carrie 's mother suspected something was different with her child , she was too caught up in her own religious world , that she did not do anything about Carrie 's obvious talent .
5 She pleaded that she did not do it and her husband 's inconsistencies and contradictions aroused suspicion .
6 She knew that she did not love him but , more , she knew that despite his sophistication , he was not enough for her .
7 Through the long slow hours of darkness he saw her lovely face and forgot that she did not love him .
8 She found that she was able to think of Johnny dispassionately , and she acknowledged to herself with honesty , and a new clarity of understanding , that she did not love him , nor ever could .
9 The only difference now was that she did not show it .
10 Sergt. Peter Woodhouse of the Liverpool Police … she told the police that she did not think her husband was carrying out a strictly honest business .
11 It was robust at times , but there was never anything kinky about our relationship ’ and that she did not think he was capable of what he had been accused .
12 Assuming however that the mother 's claim was not valid , or that she did not make it , the question arises whether the justices ought to consider the care being offered by the grandmother in assessing the threshold condition rather than the care which is actually being provided by the mother .
13 St Tropez was known for its beaches , and normally she could spend hours just soaking up the sun and watching the other people parading , but she felt too unsettled to do much more than lie on her towel , playing aimlessly with the sand and trying to convince herself that she did not want anything more out of Piers than he was prepared to give her .
14 And we have it on the authority of those sitting near her that she did not drink it that evening . ’
15 Looking at Winnie , who , it might be , closed her eyes that she did not see his teeth .
16 Emmie looked at the small , waxy face and felt that she did not know her grandmother any more .
17 Rosalba baked special almond biscuits , hoops of crumbly nuts and fine sugar , intending to wrap some in coloured papers and offer them to Tommaso 's mother as a gift for the feast ; but could not , because , as she was about to set off , she realised that she did not know her well enough to call and give her a present .
18 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
19 She longed for a weapon , for even a hairpin , and knowing that she did not have one , she knew too that she was totally defenceless , unarmed and alone .
20 ‘ Ridley J. has come to the conclusion that in fact no sufficient explanation of it was given to her , and that she did not understand it .
21 854 the question of the wife 's understanding of the promissory note was not addressed and there is no reason to think that she did not understand it .
22 ‘ I tremble at crossing swords with you , ’ said Robert Bossu in the sweetest and most reasonable of voices , his high shoulder leaned at ease against the panelled wall at his back , ‘ but I must observe that she did not allow it to succeed .
23 It was a formidable list and by now Mrs Phelps was filled with wonder and excitement , but it was probably a good thing that she did not allow herself to be completely carried away by it all .
24 And the reason was , quite simply , that she did not like him .
25 She had n't told him much except that she did not like her neighbour Fireman Mosse and blamed him for the death of his wife .
26 The kiss had been such a butterfly of a thing that she did not reject it , and when he bent and kissed her cheek she did not reject that either .
27 It was not so much that she did not trust him as that she had been inhibited by her clerical superiors , Gilbert included .
28 Fidelma should have left the room some five minutes before , but she was fiddling with the silver milk jug and sugar basin so that she did n't miss anything .
29 Something , something in her friend 's tense attitude seemed to say that she did n't want her visitor to know she was expected elsewhere .
30 And er she says that she did n't want summat expensive when she could be buying summat for kitchen , you know , like a microwave or summat like that .
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