Example sentences of "that they should be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On July 19 the Defence Minister , Gen. Veljko Kadijevic , proposed on behalf of the JNA that the Presidency should open talks immediately on the future of Yugoslavia and that they should be completed by Aug. 15 .
2 A large proportion of our forces had to be ready to travel to distant theatres of war and it was uneconomic that they should be composed of National Servicemen , admirably though those carried out their duties … .
3 One Staffordshire tandoori has even sported a parliamentary logo on its menus since local MP Michael Fabricant told the Commons the curries there were so good that they should be served at Westminster .
4 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
5 When in Colossians 1:9ff Paul prays for Christians he has never met , his first request is that the Spirit would give them understanding of the Lord 's will for their lives ; then , that they should live their lives in accordance with that will by pleasing the Lord in everything ; then , that they should increase in their knowledge of God ; and finally , that they should be strengthened with all might according to the measure of his glorious power which should result for them as it did for Christ , not in arrogance but in patience and longsuffering .
6 Rather than destroy heathen temples , Pope Gregory the Great in a letter to St Augustine of Canterbury in AD 601 advised that they should be converted into churches so the people could still go to the usual site of their worship , to worship the one God instead of many .
7 Therefore it has been seen as right that they should be kept under male control .
8 The principal concern for companies is first that they should be kept in touch with prevailing opinions on environmental issues that could affect them ; second , that any misconceptions on technical or other matters should be corrected .
9 The meeting had originally proposed the development of such strategies for the weakest EC economies ( i.e. Greece , Italy and Portugal ) but several ministers argued that they should be undertaken by all members .
10 British politicians have persistently rejected the view that they should be regarded as delegates , arguing instead that their duty is to make judgements for themselves in terms of their understanding of their constituents ' best interests , while recognizing that they may , of course , be rejected at the next election if they become seriously out of touch with the people they represent .
11 We suggest that they should be regarded as potential heart and cornea donors .
12 Police forces regularly request that they should be regarded as a resource with advice to offer and practical assistance to make available when required in situations covered in this document .
13 ‘ Any criticism against the centres by this independent body surely confirms the view that they should be covered by statutory regulations , ’ said Hodgkin .
14 Meanwhile , the relics — fragments of lumbar bones — were placed in a vault at the Midland Bank , Woking , until a High Court judge ruled in April , 1988 , that they should be moved to the Russian Orthodox Church in exile at nearby Brookwood , Surrey , pending a final trial of the ownership action .
15 Notably absent from the CBI 's understanding of the problems of inner cities was any notion that they should be met by national economic policy .
16 I think it better to say that they should be answered on the basis of the general discussion of the issues in this opinion .
17 62% felt that they should be cared for in the community in ordinary homes rather than in special homes or hospitals
18 We would not have considered the orders today if the Opposition had not prayed against them and agreed that they should be debated with the main affirmative orders .
19 When station redcaps were self-employed , there were many of them , but when the federal authorities insisted that they should be employed by their companies their numbers rapidly dwindled .
20 According to a report in the Montreal Gazette the statues had been ‘ tampered with ’ in this way on several occasions , and the newspaper felt that they should be raised beyond the reach of pranksters or removed to an inside guarded site .
21 They have got to demand in the politest possible way , but in the most determined way , that they should be treated as responsible citizens whatever their walk of life People take others at their own evaluation .
22 Regular deworming will largely eliminate the risk of this infection , and to prevent puppies representing a danger , most vets recommend that they should be treated from two weeks old onwards , as well as their mothers .
23 He tended to regard the conversion of his son Harilal to Islam as something that was prompted by monetary considerations , and in the case of such converts , he maintains that they should be readmitted to Hinduism without hesitation if they so desired and truly repented of their erroneous actions .
24 The manufacturers sold chemicals to the second defendants with a warning that they should be tested before use .
25 The thing to remember about these batteries is that they should be stored in a way which prevents the accidental short-circuiting of their contact terminals : if they are shorted , the battery quickly overheats and will become unfit for further use .
26 The Law Society had greater reservations about franchising than the other bodies , except that it liked the administrative advantages and thought that they should be extended to all legal aid practitioners who satisfied quality control criteria developed by the Board and the Law Society .
27 We th to rehearse a little bit of the debate we had last time on speed cameras , th there was erm discussion about who should fund the camera themselves because being a , the Department of Transport and Home Office recommendation , that they should be funded by the police , but because of Mr 's question at full Council and the wish of this committee to spend some of this additional money if you like , or in ninety three four for safety related measures , it was thought wise to combine the two and actually try and fund a trial er package of speed cameras cos it 's , it 's about six sites and one camera , from the ninety three four budget that we 've actually found .
28 If re-introduced at any future date , it is recommended that they should be fixed at not above 30% of costs and subject to prior approval from NPAs within National Parks .
29 er Graham seems to think they 're hinting that they should be done on the same day
30 The , er , credit to that goes to the chairman and chief executive and the executive directors and they are responsible for the business and it is right , in my view , that they should be rewarded for it and encouraged to take risks to work very hard on our behalf to ensure that that growth continues er , er , that benefits the , er , company , it benefits the country it benefits the er ergo , people who are working for it , it is not inflationary because we are looking at productivity and the productivity in the company has increased significantly .
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