Example sentences of "that they [vb base] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The only purpose of this sweet liquid is to please insects so greatly that they become addicted to it and devote all possible time during the flowering season to collecting it .
2 Many people these days have a rather negative concept of health in that they tend to look on it as a state in which one does not feel ill or has no pain — in other words , a state of absence of illness .
3 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
4 They want to place on record the generous support that they 've had from you and for the , yes in a moment , the seconder of the emergency motion for er moving her support .
5 There 's this thing from the Bradford and Bingley saying that they 've amalgamated with somebody and erm they 're not publishing their interest rates at the usual times , I do n't think it 's anything world-shattering .
6 Oh I think there 's no doubt about that and also their their their wages were low in the beginning you know and and their their their hard work that they 've put into it for the last you know I mean it had it I mean David Price says at the best of times is not easy to run a quarry you know you know and they they ha all work in a quarry so it had to be a cooperation and you know the management said you come up with us and and they were n't complaining actually about the wages it was quite good wages for .
7 And er we will maintain that we 've used the appropriate statistics from the office of population censuses and surveys and the Registrar General 's er and erm our colleagues have made an error is our opinion on er the er death statistics that they 've used in their calculations of the model in our opinion .
8 It 's not it 's not the point of the money it 's the fact is that they 've lied to me erm and really I want =em .
9 We know a bit more about their massive pay increases , but not so much is known about the beautiful profits , about the wonderful conditions that they 've allocated to themselves .
10 Instead , they should refer to SCOTVEC 's criteria for approval of a centre when setting up their systems and should discuss the systems that they intend to implement with their systems verifier .
11 Will my hon. Friend please look into the matter because those people are living off the system that they seek to destroy with their bombs and bullets ?
12 He finds that although the globular bodies of the histone molecules no longer contact the DNA of heavily transcribed genes , their charged tails still do , leading him to suggest that they remain tethered by their tails while the polymerase passes so that they can rapidly ‘ snap back ’ into their former structure .
13 Because the eye is allowed no escape at the top of the canvas we are also forced to ‘ read ’ the picture downwards again , through its component geometricized elements , with the result that they seem to advance towards us .
14 It shows that we must step up our efforts to ensure that everyone is fully educated , but not only that they know the facts , but that they start to act upon them .
15 Humanity will insist that individuals must accept their personal obligations by acknowledging that they do have within them impulses and appetites which are a legacy from millions of years of ruthless evolution , and that the time has come when they must introduce into their lives the concept of a high standard of self-discipline to control those impulses and appetites .
16 Humanity will insist that individuals must accept their personal obligations by acknowledging that they do have within them impulses and appetites which are a legacy from millions of years of ruthless evolution , and that the time has come when they must introduce into their lives the concept of a high standard of self discipline to control those impulses and appetites .
17 Travellers might get used to jet-lag in the sense that they learn to live with it , or they might find it progressively more irksome as their initial excitement with travel begins to wear thin .
18 We get a consideration from the business unit for some of the graduates that they have selected for us .
19 The reason for these visits is that they have asked for our help in drafting new laws and constitutions , as well as advising on legal procedures and the training of advocates .
20 This is paid for out of general taxation and although those drawing a pension may feel that they have contributed to its cost by virtue of their earlier contributions , the state scheme in fact operates on a ‘ pay as you go ’ ( PAYG ) basis .
21 They merely require the knowledge that they have given to their fellows , but most people will wish to have a closer involvement .
22 ‘ Our funds are totally exhausted but we are determined our children will continue to derive enormous benefits that they have gained from their education in Dungannon . ’
23 The dancers explain that they have to think about their colleagues when they 're performing as well as trying to give something special to the audience .
24 One useful strategy is to give patients weekend leave on several occasions before discharge , encouraging them to discuss the difficulties that they have experienced on their return to the ward .
25 I am being polite about the way in which the Government have behaved when I say that they have dealt with our recommendations in a cavalier fashion .
26 We want students to show that they have entered into what they have learned .
27 The aim throughout the year will be to cover all aspects of accompaniment ; Piano in October , Percussion in January , Taped Music in March and , finally in June a Music Workshop where it is hoped qualified teachers will bring along tapes and records that they have used in their classes and which might be helpful to other teachers .
28 I am sure that hon. Members have talked to constituents , many of them young women with children , who say bitterly that they feel trapped in their environment and dare not go out at night , even to have a cup of tea with a friend .
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