Example sentences of "that they [vb past] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had stuck to his story , that they 'd quarrelled at the dance and he had left early .
2 He was telling me that they 'd died of the frost or something .
3 At dawn they ate the potatoes that they 'd laid around the fire to cook .
4 For a while they just stood there , staring down at the boar , satisfying their curiosity after the brief and distant glimpses that they 'd had on the hunt .
5 Middy snuggled up closer to him , his shadow a small lump on Lowell 's shadow on the ancient walls , so that they seemed to merge like a grotesque pregnancy .
6 Meeting in Budapest on March 6 the defence ministers of Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland sought to co-ordinate policy towards NATO 's North Atlantic Co-operation Council ; they committed themselves to an " open barracks " policy along similar lines to the existing " open skies " policy but stressed that they wished to act in the spirit of dialogue and consultation rather than to set up a closed grouping .
7 Among its recommendations were ( i ) the creation of vents and energy absorption systems which would dissipate the force of an explosion ; ( ii ) the repositioning of cargo containers to ensure that any explosive energy was either directed outwards or absorbed by other baggage containers ; and ( iii ) improving flight recorders so that they continued working after a power failure .
8 The women who spoke to Margaret Irwin were themselves inclined to adopt the same low value of their work that they heard expressed by the men .
9 Crucially , Realism provided a justification for the kind of foreign policy which the leaders of the USA felt that they had to undertake in the period immediately after the Second World War .
10 ‘ I 'm told the front rows in the Moore tragedy were so close that they had to bend at the waist to get in ’ , said Akpata .
11 ‘ Ven ! ’ she whispered , and was barely aware that they had moved to the darkened area of her bedroom .
12 In Brightside the Unionist candidate had been specially demobilised for the election ; the Central Office agent for Yorkshire persuaded him to stand down , but it took a visit to Central Office before his supporters could be persuaded to support a Coalition Liberal that they had opposed at the last three elections .
13 They had claimed containers of worms found in their car had been dug in an unprotected area elsewhere and that they had stopped at the bay to gather mussels .
14 He denied that they had fired on the demonstrators and also claimed to have acted as an intermediary in organizing the meeting between the government and opposition on May 10-11 .
15 During the study days , the patients were fully ambulatory and could follow their preferred daily routine except that they had to return to the laboratory for their meals .
16 The leader of the MPs ' delegation , Sir Rhodes Boyson , the former local government minister , said afterwards that they had asked for an extra £650m to offset the sums which some local councils will have to raise in poll tax to the pay their contribution to the nation-wide poll tax safety net .
17 Arthur found the reasons for this unfathomable , but took it that they had to do with a comparison to his own looks .
18 The situation is very much easier today than even ten years ago when male/female roles were far more stereotyped and many couples felt that they had to conform to a set pattern for the sake of convention .
19 An essential part of all eel tanks is sliding glass covers , so these were duly closed and the eels left to themselves for the night while I hoped that they were strong enough to survive the constant stress that they had endured over the past thirty-six hours .
20 The pressure of population caused much less concern in the Welsh Border counties where there was still sufficient land available to allow poor immigrants to erect cottages on the wastes and to claim common rights to go with the few acres that they had cleared from the woods or the moors .
21 N.G. Attenborough and his crew were killed , although it was believed that they had flown into a balloon barrage .
22 All he remembered was that they had flown on an invisible road in the sky called Red One from Moscow to St Petersburg at 33,000 feet .
23 But her natural good manners got the better of her and she found herself saying ‘ good evening ’ and reminding Penelope that they had met at the vicarage .
24 They consulted their street map but , before they could work out their route , the little girl told them that they had to go down the hill , over the bridge , past another church , turn to the right and they would come to the church for which they were looking .
25 Its evidence : ‘ depended upon the evidence of Mr Whitney-Long [ not a current employee of UD I understand ] ; his evidence was essential to the proof that they had relied upon the 1982 audited accounts in discounting the four bills that formed the basis of their claim .
26 Some were eating , and Ruth guessed that they had broken into the food supplies they had brought for the voyage .
27 He threatened his crew with having their tongues cut out if they would not swear that they had sailed along the coast of the Indies ( they had , in fact , been sailing past Cuba ) .
28 I had told Elizabeth that when my friends left Greece I always felt that they had gone into an underworld ; I wanted them back , but had no wish to go with them .
29 Girls who are very aware of parental disapproval may not feel able to take this step and also not want to run the risk of parents somehow finding out that they had gone to the doctor or the clinic .
30 interview , that we did n't have erm much sort of inroads with the the young Caribbean community or the Rastafarian community , but erm you know I have spoken to one or two , and I remember speaking to one who said , that they had gone after a warehouse somewhere .
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