Example sentences of "that they [am/are] [vb pp] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you choose metal windows , ensure that they 're fitted with a ‘ thermal break ’ to reduce condensation problems — windows without this feature can stream with moisture in cold weather .
2 If you are going to use computer generated artwork in your publications , be they business graphs , drawings or logos then ensure that they are created with a drawing package not a painting one .
3 His instruments are exceptional in that they are made with an escapement , something with which not one in a hundred bothers himself .
4 Check that they are registered with the Office of Fair Trading .
5 Currency Options provide insurance against adverse exchange rate movements without penalty if exchange rates move favourably but they do have a fundamental drawback in that they are purchased with a cash premium , much like an insurance policy , which can be substantial .
6 Too many diets also have the disadvantage that they are associated with a drop in metabolic rate ; that is in effect , the rate at which you burn up food .
7 What Tolkien took from that passage ( and others ) was , in short , the ideas that elves were like angels ; that they had however been involved in a ‘ Fall ’ ; that their fate at Doomsday is not clear ( for men ‘ shall join in the Second Music of the Ainur ’ , elves perhaps not , S , p. 42 ) , that they are associated with the Earthly Paradise , and can not die till the end of the world .
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