Example sentences of "that you [vb mod] [verb] out [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It 's arranged that you would eat out or in small parties at the hotel , as I thought maybe you 'd want to get away from each other by then … .
2 What I do n't wa , I know it 's handy sometimes you think , ah that covers a lot of things for me and you may have come across something yourself I 'll the there is a key , there should be a key to those things in my cupboard , those lifelines things not the same as cha , I 've got all sorts of ideas that you might pick out and say right we can use that as a lesson you might even just say well sod copyright I 'm gon na photocopy that and I 'll use it !
3 They 're some of the things that you can think out and er work out you know , that 's , that 's what we 've been trying to do .
4 We can do exactly the same : look around for good ambush spots as you run , places which give you cover so that you can jump out and completely surprise your attacker as he rushes past .
5 Turnout at general elections is seldom more than about 75 per cent so Gallup asked voters : How likely is it that you will go out and vote in the General Election ?
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