Example sentences of "that i [vb mod] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I merely told David Knell that I might write more in future . ’
2 erm it does n't bother me in the slightest because I know that I would prefer maybe to be on my own than to be restricted by someone .
3 I decided early in the morning that I would struggle somehow to Cambridge , and then go back home .
4 I SAID to the man who stood at the gate of the year , ‘ Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown ’ .
5 The existence of my plan does not mean , however , that I shall stick rigidly to it come what may .
6 If Jerba was picturesque , Nefta is magical and I regret that I must fly home in a week .
7 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
8 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
9 Erm ca n't think of anything else er er that I can suggest just to erm
10 The extra bonus — the thing that makes me truly lucky — is that I can go home to the real friends and neighbours whose tales of burst drain-pipes , complicated recipes and domestic dramas sound every bit as interesting to me when I lack the leisure to enjoy them myself .
11 Under ideal conditions I can just see the components separately with 20 × 70 binoculars , but I am not confident that I can do so with any lower magnification .
12 I slide the rod-rest slowly into the sand , making sure it is positioned to that I can sit comfortably with the butt of the rod in my right hand and the tip pointing at the roots .
13 Not that I can see much after six o'clock or so , but there you are , we all have our little crosses . ’
14 I knocked on it but it was so dilapidated that I could see right through the door frame and into a large room where a man was sitting in a kitchen chair , dressed in trousers and vest .
15 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
16 The female , Vicky , came to me and bent down so that I could look again into her grey eyes .
17 I hated Gionesca because he complained all the time , and I knew that I could get away with hating him because I was stronger and fitter than him .
18 By giving me a little he was showing both concern for me and his determination that I should pay materially for what I had done to him .
19 Above all there is a smell of great ordinariness and naturalness that I should recognize anywhere in the world like a familiar voice .
20 The counsel given was probably the best in the circumstances , which was that I should go abroad for a break .
21 My sister , who has always been better off than us , has suggested that I should go abroad with her this year , and says I have no excuse because I have the money and that is what our mother would have wanted me to do with it .
22 In the bustle of adapting to the new life of an MP at Westminster , it had occurred to me that I should look further at pensions .
23 ‘ You 're suggesting that I should run away from this woman ? ’
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