Example sentences of "that i [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's rather like the scene that I penned at the beginning of this column .
2 If , no matter how randomly you threw matter around , the resulting conglomeration could often be said , with hindsight , to be good for something , then it would be true to say that I cheated over the swallow and the whale .
3 " Since we were n't being shown any buffalo , " replied the senator , smiling easily , " we bagged a muntjac that I spotted on the plain — for one of our smaller groups . "
4 This afternoon , he has treated the House to an extraordinary collection of half-truths and inaccuracies , but he has not told us the Labour party 's attitude to the proposals that I identified in the statement .
5 I remember very well from the moment that I fell from the boat and felt my feet strike some soft substance .
6 It was not until years later that I heard about the societies known as Buffaloes and Foresters .
7 Sir — It was with deep sadness that I heard of the death of Fred Daly , to date the only Irish winner of The Open .
8 I believe that the spending levels that we are now seeing , through the new scheme that I announced in the summer , vindicate the judgment I made because the £17 million that was spent in the two years of the initial scheme represents an average spend of £8.5 million .
9 But I do n't think there were any anyone that I knew on the railway were not against nationalization .
10 she assumed that I knew about the abilities and feelings of humans and cats , about houses , territory , and the socially stereotyped roles of women and men .
11 Their reasoning — that ‘ when all safeguards are respected and the best interests of the patient are taken into account , it is certainly not murder ’ — parallels the apparent logic behind the Soviet cleansing of antisocialist elements , the Indian practice of murder/suicide of widows , and the infanticide that I observed among the Tsamai in south-west Ethiopia .
12 Tt and er one of the passages that I read during the service , is this one , psalm a hundred .
13 One of my constituents that I read in the newspaper about the erm , the green way in which the party should be moving , and said that erm , he would like me to express my disquiet to and I thought this , perhaps this would be quite a useful place to his disquiet , but Council tax money is being spend on this sort of erm , work when there are far more urgent erm , services needed in the County , and he would much rather have the highways , er , money from , which is now going into the Environment to go into highways , erm , so as er , Chairman council , I 'm passing his comments on to you , through this committee .
14 That was the one thing that was that I read in the books that it was kind of tradition for the men to wear black .
15 I confirm that I returned from the Gulf late last night .
16 How long ago was it that I looked on the world with such innocent eyes ?
17 Keys I get them out I still lost those ones that I got with the matches .
18 This meant that I got into the Library .
19 But I was surprised that I got round the room , cos I 'm awful at remembering names I think I 'm gon na have to try and
20 And then the other one is the one that I got from the library by Luhmann .
21 May I draw my right hon. Friend 's attention to the delegation that I led to the Lord Chancellor to consider the problem of bail bandits and light sentencing by Crown courts , and to the concern in my constituency that the Hampshire police authority is short changing the Isle of Wight in terms of the number of constables on the beat ?
22 Such was the shock that I walked off the site in a state of mental turmoil after all the farewells at the season 's end .
23 At least , the bits that I recalled in the morning were about Anne , but behind the dreams , somewhere at the edges of my mind , an image of Poppy seemed to be lurking .
24 I will elaborate on the point that I made about the disruption that may be caused when additional tens of thousands of people are brought into the area , if the development at King 's Cross goes ahead .
25 I have nothing to add to the point that I made about the statement .
26 The woman from Ty Fach has found the pictures that I made on the rock , and the little woman with her has looked at them .
27 The point that I made to the Committee is that if we wish to reduce the hours of the House or change the sitting times — that is still an open question — it is important that we consider how the time of the House is used at present and to make reductions pro rata .
28 I repeat a suggestion that I made to the Secretary of State at the time of the last atrocity in Northern Ireland .
29 The detail of the proposals on contributions was , of course , fully set out in the very full statement that I made to the House by way of a written answer at the same time as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor 's autumn statement on 6 November .
30 Indeed , it was watching television recently that I came to the conclusion that what the Lord 's Day Observance Society needs is a good PR man .
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