Example sentences of "that i [verb] my [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was much later that I realized my subconscious tendency towards preferring complicated solutions , merely to demonstrate my clever mental logic .
2 It was then that I made my never-to-be-forgotten answer , ‘ Mum 's lost , down the fair . ’
3 It was through the OTC that I met my future husband , Eric , who was at that time a permanent staff instructor .
4 But it was not until 1990 that I had my first spawning , and raised fry .
5 But it was in Colchester Park that I had my first lesson in conservation in microcosm , if you like .
6 ‘ It was all thanks to a woman at the meeting today that I had my first inkling of what had really been going on . ’
7 Later , he would tell Radio One 's Janice Long : ‘ I believed that I had my own work to do .
8 He 'd expected it , he added , since he noticed that I had my own plate and cup at work , and bought tea for whoever was sitting with me .
9 It was on the morning when registration began that I had my fatal encounter .
10 I won both the 60 and 200 metres , but it was in the final event , the relay , that I received my greatest fillip .
11 It was also in May that I started my new programme of intensive stretching exercises and aerobics .
12 It would have been so easy and commonplace to move into some bushes ; but my partner insisted that I light my second candle .
13 It is as a stranger that I greet my own self , and see it as an unknown fellow traveller through time .
14 It was only after moving to Llanberis that I did my next winter route in Wales — a quick solo of Sinister Gully .
15 That I maintained my usual composure was to me a miracle , and once more we were on our way to the frontier .
16 It was in those days , when Margaret was still alive , that I gave my former colleague Peter Duval-Smith — whose private life and whose work as an academic journalist always seemed to be equally chaotic — the introduction to Braemar Mansions that he so much wanted .
17 When I finally accepted that I create my own reality , I was excited but scared .
18 Then I reminded myself that I create my own reality !
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