Example sentences of "that he [verb] n't [vb infin] what " in BNC.

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1 The man who is so insensitive that he does n't realise what 's happening needs it spelt out to him .
2 I just like to start off by saying and just reminding the council well in particular Mr in light of what he said that he does n't understand what Mr is on about , well he 's never understood the issue of the merger in Highfields .
3 It could be the sour smell of misfortune rather than the suspicion that he does n't know what he really wants which could mock the prediction that here is the next Conservative Prime Minister but one . ’
4 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
5 It was a sign of his distress that he did n't care what it cost , had n't even looked to see the list of seat prices posted up by the side of the window .
6 THE MASTERS champion said before the event that he did n't know what he was going to do with himself until he relinquished his title .
7 Did he tell anyone that he did n't know what to do ?
8 And the person awarding the prizes had to admit that he did n't know what her time had been , even though she had run a superb race and had beaten the course record by a full four minutes .
9 I ca n't explain , it was also the feeling that he did n't know what to do .
10 She sensed that he did n't know what to do with it , and did n't want to admit his ignorance .
11 " If he actually signed the letter it would be difficult to prove that he did n't know what was in it , " Sir Edmund observed .
12 I mean o okay it 's , it 's a difficult area but I , I just do n't believe the communications were that bad that he did n't know what was going on and was n't in a position to say look this is wrong .
13 By now Nutmeg was so bewildered that he did n't know what to do .
14 The judge said that he did n't know what the odds of such an event were , but it was bad luck for the man and good luck for justice .
15 You are suggesting , tactfully , that he did n't like what he saw ( correct ) , and that if he had seen more , he would perhaps have come round to your way of thinking in these matters ( incorrect ) .
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